Policy to identify, monitor and protect any IUCN red listed species and national conversation list species with habitats in areas affected by the operation of your university

Due to the importance of the agriculture and livestock sectors in achieving food security and economic revenue, and due to the nature of the specialties and departments of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine at Qassim University, which is concerned with maintaining the food chain completely, starting from the Department of Plant Production and Prevention, which grows, produces and maintains the vegetative part of the food chain, passing through the departments of veterinary medicine, animal production and breeding, which are concerned with the preservation and development of livestock and its importance in the food chain and last but not least the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, which It complements the rest of the roles of other departments by paying attention to the food industry and proper nutrition. This has made the college a mecca and a refuge for all farmers and breeders to solve their problems since its inception. In this context, the College spared no effort in providing various programs in the field of community service and the environment.

It was necessary to develop and expand the circle of community services, so came the decision of the college to establish a specialized unit concerned with community service, which was the most important objectives of which was excellence in community service and contribute to its development and solve its problems, as it includes a group of faculty members and assistant staff with experience in various fields of the college headed by the Dean of the College. The establishment of this unit is considered as a real breakthrough through the development of qualitative, specialized and new service activities that reach the beneficiary in several geographical areas inside the region (Qassim) and outside it through veterinary and plant therapeutic convoys, awareness, workshops and seminars.

The organizational structure of the Community Service Unit at the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine at Qassim University:

  • Vice Dean of the College as President.

  • Essam Abdel Moneim Amin.

  • Khalid bin Ayed Al-Harbi Member.

  • Mohammed bin Sulaiman Al-Shuwaiman Member.

  • Representative of the Department of Plant Production and Prevention Member.

  • Representative of the Department of Animal Production and Breeding, Member.

  • Representative of the Department of Veterinary Medicine Member.

  • Representative of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition Member.


Excellence and leadership in providing diverse community services in the fields of agriculture and veterinary medicine locally and nationally.


Providing various community service and awareness programs and activities in the fields of plant production and prevention, animal production and breeding, veterinary medicine, food science and human nutrition contribute to building sustainable development in the region and at the level of the Kingdom and to promote constructive partnership with the relevant sectors.


    • Contribute to the achievement of the mission of the college regarding community service.

    • Evaluate the link between the college and the community by providing programs and activities that meet actual community needs.

    • Encourage faculty members to provide community service activities.

    • Spreading awareness of good practices through the provision of awareness programs and veterinary caravans.

    • Providing specialized scientific consultations to both the government sector and the private sector.

    • Providing services with community needs in order to ensure and promote the development of the relevant sectors.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

Tasks of the Head of the Unit:

  • Distribution of tasks to the members of the Committee.

  • Periodic follow-up to the implementation of the tasks of the Committee and evaluation of the performance of members.

  • Calling for a periodic meeting and recording this meeting.

Tasks of the Unit Supervisor:

    • Work on the development and modernization of the work system within the unit.

    • Work to deepen the communication of the unit with its community surroundings.

Tasks of the Unit's Rapporteur:

  • Follow up the implementation of the general policy set to achieve the objectives of the unit in accordance with the policy and objectives of the college and university in the service of society.

  • Follow up the formation of the administrative and organizational structure of the unit and determine the tasks of the committees of the unit.

  • Identify the names of distinguished people and nominations for workshops for community service.

  • Meet periodically with the members of the unit.

Community Service Unit Team Tasks:

  • Develop a proposal for the objectives and plan of the Community Service Unit.

  • Prepare annual reports.

  • Implement the college's policy in the service of the community.

  • Compilation of the activities of the faculty members of the college.

The qualitative services provided by the Community Service Unit at the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine at Qassim University:

Veterinary Clinic:

The Veterinary Clinic of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine provides specialized quality services to breeders of animals from the diagnosis and treatment of thousands of pathological conditions with an average of more than fifty-three thousand (53,000) cases for the academic year for various types of animals productive or racing or pets.

The veterinary clinic includes among its wings many veterinary medical specialties that play a distinguished role in serving the community such as the Department of Surgery, Anesthesiology and Radiology, the Department of Obstetrics and Reproduction Diseases, the Department of Clinical Medicine and veterinary laboratories. The veterinary clinic also has a laboratory for the diagnosis of animal diseases with the aim of raising diagnostic efficiency and excluding epidemic diseases (Figure 1 below).

The scope of the veterinary clinic's service has expanded beyond the Qassim region to receive other cases from distant areas such as Medina, Mecca and Dammam and even went beyond that to receive sick cases from neighboring countries such as Kuwait as these cases need experience and skill in diagnosis and treatment.

The veterinary clinic contains all the means that enable it to play its role in serving the community. Modern devices have been purchased to raise the efficiency of diagnostic technology such as radiological diagnostic devices, general anesthesia devices for small and large animals, surgical endoscopy, ultrasound devices, semen collection and examination devices and other tools and equipment.

Due to the need to initiate cases outside the veterinary clinic and also to exercise the role of therapeutic veterinary caravans, the mobile veterinary clinic (figure 2 below) was developed and equipped at a high level to meet the purpose and primary objective of its establishment.

Due to the importance of guidance and awareness and in view of the use of the time of patients and visitors to the veterinary clinic, the extension unit was established (Fig. 3 below) to practice counseling and raise awareness among breeders about infectious diseases, methods of prevention and correct scientific methods in breeding methods.

Environment and Community Service Laboratory:

The Environment and Community Service Laboratory at the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine provides specialized quality services to farmers and various agricultural companies through its analysis services for all soil, water, plant and fertilizer samples, where the average number of samples analyzed by the laboratory reaches more than one thousand six hundred (3322) samples annually.

The laboratory includes modern laboratory equipment and equipment that enable it to perform its tasks and objectives effectively (Figure 4 below). This is in addition to the consultancy services provided by the laboratory that may reach to visit the farms to identify problems in the field and make proposals to solve these problems.

Objectives of the Environment and Community Service Laboratory:

    • Providing technical and scientific support to workers in the agricultural sector, whether individuals, companies, municipalities or research centers and the Ministry of Agriculture.

    • Serving the community, participating in its development and supporting the sustainable development of the community through the practice of extension and raising the awareness of farmers.

    • Preserving the environment.

    • Solve farmers' problems related to soil, water, plant, plant pathogenesis and pests.

Tasks of the Environment and Community Service Laboratory:

    • Analysis of elements in soil, water, plant and fertilizer samples that arrive from farmers.

    • Evaluate the suitability of the soil for cultivation, identify the soil problems of farmers and develop appropriate solutions.

    • Identify problems of soil fertility and plant nutrition and write appropriate fertilizer reports and recommendations through the results of soil and plant analysis for farmers.

    • Estimating pollutants with heavy elements, whether in soil, plant or water to support environmental conservation and sustainable development.

    • The factory receives water samples from farmers for examination and determination of suitability for agricultural irrigation as well as for drinking.

    • Analysis of chemical contaminants and pesticides in soil, fruits and crops for the benefit of farmers.

    • The plant clinic of the laboratory receives infected plant samples from farmers for examination, identification of the cause of the injury and determination of appropriate treatment.

    • The Botanical Clinic provides extension services in many areas including the prevention and control of diseases of all plants and date palms, prevention and control of acacous and insect pests of all crops and date palms.

    • Specialized faculty members go out to farms with farmers to identify problems on the ground to examine infected plants or soils and take samples to the environment and community service laboratory to conduct the necessary tests and analyzes and prepare technical reports to respond to the problems and all this is voluntary work.

In addition, the laboratory records the results of the analyzes and keeps them as information of great importance to support the sustainable development of society. The following are tables of some of the years in which the preparation of the analyzes carried out by the Community Service Laboratory shows the environment, as well as some pictures of problems examined by the Botanical Clinic and developed appropriate solutions to them.

The program of therapeutic and awareness caravans provided by the Community Service Unit at the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine at Qassim University:

The most important objectives of veterinary caravans:

    • Providing veterinary medical services for cases that do not have access to the veterinary teaching hospital.

    • Activating therapeutic convoys that strengthen the level of graduates and increase their knowledge of the actual problems that exist in society in their field of specialization.

    • Introducing the community to the direct role of the university in solving their problems and deepening the link between the university and the community.

Objectives of the Red Palm Weevil Caravans:

    • Alert to the danger of weevil and the destructive act it causes to palm fields.

    • Educate the farmer on the methods of detection and diagnosis of weevil by the practical methods available.

    • Educate the farmer about the signs and symptoms of weevil infection.

    • Addressing the most important causes of weevil infestation, whether they are insect pests or errors in agricultural processes.

    • Educate farmers on the proper and available methods in the fight against weevil (integrated management in the fight against weevil).

    • Introduce the farmer to the life cycle of the insect and the harmful phase and know the behaviors of the pest.

    • Proper and correct methods in how to get rid of the affected parts .

    • Noting the importance of agricultural quarantine and the danger of transporting liquids and palms without making sure that they are free of infection.

Objectives of the Nutrition Awareness Caravans:

    • Raising the awareness of high school students about the different components of food and the importance of proper and balanced nutrition.

    • Raising the awareness of high school students of the right eating habits.

    • Educate school students about the harms of fast food.

    • Evaluate the nutritional status of a representative sample of high school students to provide nutritional recommendations to the community.

Specialized activities provided by the Community Service Unit at the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine at Qassim University:

Event Posts:

The College participates in many festivals and events at the level of the Qassim region and at the level of the Kingdom.

Specialized workshops and seminars:

Specialized workshops and seminars are one of the most important activities carried out by the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine for the agricultural and livestock sector in the Kingdom. These activities are multiple, diverse and in various fields that contribute to covering the societal needs of farmers, companies and breeders working in the agricultural and livestock sector.

The Center for Promising Research in Biocontrol and Agricultural Information at Qassim University was established with the support and funding of the Ministry of Higher Education on 24 Rabi' al-Awwal 1432 AH corresponding to 27 February 2011 AD for a period of three years. The establishment of this center comes in response to the need to preserve natural resources and protect them from depletion and pollution and to promote sustainable development that meets the needs of human beings in the present and future.

The Center seeks to provide a stimulating environment for the completion of qualitative and innovative studies and to enhance the scientific and technical skills of researchers and workers in the fields of biocontrol and pollution of the agricultural environment, and to establish a database based on studies and research in these two fields.

This precious requirement is achieved through the formation of qualified research groups capable of scientific and research cooperation and then access to scientific and practical solutions to the problems and obstacles faced by the agricultural environment and to innovative techniques that preserve the integrity of the environment and contribute to the promotion of sustainable development.

Vision of the Center:

Achieve excellence and leadership locally and regionally in the field of biocontrol, environmental pollution and agricultural information.

The Center's Mission:

Provide a stimulating environment for the completion of qualitative and innovative research and enhance scientific and technical skills in the fields of biocontrol, environmental pollution and agricultural information.

Objectives of the Center:

  • Activating and evaluating the most important possible strategies for biological control and establishing specialized units to proliferate, produce and localize effective vital enemies in the region.

  • Monitoring and evaluating environmental pollution related to agricultural activity and finding scientific and practical solutions to deal with it to avoid the degradation of the agricultural environment.

  • Providing material and technical support for distinguished research projects, authorship and publication in the field of biocontrol and pollution of the agricultural environment.

  • Activating scientific and research cooperation with research centers and local and international universities with similar activity.

  • Establishing training courses and specialized workshops for workers in the field of environmental pollution and biological control.

  • Provide material and technical support for the research of distinguished graduate students relevant to the field of work of the Center.

  • Establishing an agricultural database based on applied research in the fields of biocontrol and pollution of the agricultural environment.

Research Units at the Center:

  • Biocontrol Unit.

  • Agricultural Environment Pollution Unit.

  • Agricultural Information Unit.

The main research areas of the Center:

    • The Biocontrol Unit is concerned with the following research areas:

      • Predators, insect and acarusian parasites to combat agricultural pests.

      • Microbial biological enemies of agricultural pests and plant pathogens.

      • Use of safe compounds to combat insect pests, acarusia and plant pathogens.

    • The Agricultural Environment Pollution Unit is concerned with the following research areas:

    • Assess and treat the contamination of the agricultural environment with chemical and biological pollutants using modern and safe techniques.

    • Assess the role of organic and mineral fertilizers in polluting the agricultural environment and find safe ways to minimize their negative impact.

    • Assessment of the quality of groundwater used in agricultural irrigation in the Qassim region.

    • The impact of air pollution and climate change in the Qassim region on the agricultural environment.

    • Techniques developed to take advantage of agricultural, animal and plant waste, and protect the environment from its damage.

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The International Date Palm Conference concludes its scientific sessions with a number of recommendations Qassim University Launches Initiative to Fight "Palm Weevil".

Information and Communication Center:

The scientific sessions of the Second International Date Palm Conference, which was held at Qassim University from October 10 to 12, concluded with the participation of about 384 researchers, including 66 from inside the Kingdom and 318 from abroad, representing 29 Arab and foreign countries.

For his part, the Dean of the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Conference, Dr. Khalid bin Bani Al-Harbi, stressed that the recommendations to be issued at the end of the conference will be adopted and presented to researchers and those interested in palms, pointing out that the most important outputs of this conference, which is an initiative of Qassim University, is related to the "palm weevil" and the development of solutions to how to eliminate this scourge before the concerned authorities by informing them of the latest developments and proposals submitted by scientists and researchers to combat it, and other recommendations In all the themes addressed by the sessions of the Conference.

He pointed out that the most worrisome pest for farmers in the Qassim region is the "red palm weevil", explaining that a large number of experts and scientists he met on the sidelines of the conference unanimously agreed that it is due to some wrong actions by farmers, which confirms that the farmer's understanding, awareness and way of dealing with the palm has a fundamental role in preventing palm pest infestation.

The researchers at the conference presented several programs and proposals to combat palm pests and how to deal with the palm and weevil, expressing the hope that this conference, with God's help and conciliation, will contribute positively to the overcoming of the region and the Kingdom over the pests that affect the palms, ensuring the economic position of the palm to be an economic tributary to the Kingdom.

Al-Harbi stressed that the previous focus was on local production and consumption more, and the conference was concerned with holding scientific sessions on the economics and marketing of dates, indicating the aim of conquering world markets, and overcoming the shortcomings in this aspect, the causes of which were discussed and refuted during the scientific sessions witnessed by the conference.

The President of the Conference called for concerted efforts from everyone to care for the palms in a way that will ensure the increase of quality production to be a factor that generates the Kingdom's economy in line with Vision 2030, thanking all the participants in the conference who enriched the return of science with courses, workshops and field visits to palm plantations, and to the university represented by its academic departments with the aim of raising awareness and education as the palm is a cultural and economic symbol, and also appreciated the support, support and guidance of His Highness Prince Dr. Faisal bin Meshaal bin Saud bin Abdulaziz, Prince of Qassim Region, Who asked to see the recommendations of the conference and his keenness to ensure that these recommendations reach the concerned authorities because he believes that they carry important solutions and are based on scientific foundations.

On the accompanying exhibitions, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture for Graduate Studies, the President of the exhibition accompanying the conference, Dr. Saleh Al-Ghameez, explained that the preparations for the exhibition were made very early, with the active participation of the private and government sectors, and with special controls, pointing out that many applications were received, and the number of participating entities and companies reached about 25 entities that varied between private companies and participating government sectors and put in two categories with symbolic amounts excluded from them government agencies and associations.

As for the quality of the participation in the exhibition, "Al-Ghameez" pointed out that there are two types of participations, one of which takes on a research character, such as the laboratory of food safety and tissue culture, which contributes to highlighting the scientific aspects, and the other is interested in the presentation of date products, organic products, methods of cultivation and the display of tools for palms.

The conference witnessed the holding of a number of scientific sessions and began with a session entitled "Date palm pests and their control", chaired by Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Al-Dughairi, and started by the keynote speaker Dr. Ibrahim Al-Shahwan with a research paper on "Palms in the Kingdom's Vision 2030", in which he stressed the interest of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in palms, which represent an important axis of the 2030 Strategy.

He pointed out that the palm represents one of the most important types of food and social security in society, and it also reduces the migration process between villages and cities where Vision 2030 supports the cultivation of palms in a guided way that saves water use, so that there is a balance between food and water security.

He pointed out that the letter of the Council of Ministers containing the formation of a fifth initiative team is one of its members to study the lost and future plans to benefit from those dates in various industries, in accordance with the requirements of the global market for dates, as well as to know the requirements of the consumer abroad, and the extent to which they conform to the agreed specifications, and take into account the time factor to deliver them to the consumer on the appropriate dates without delay.

He also stressed that the selection of varieties for consumers abroad must be taken into account and choose the most appropriate ones as there are desirable varieties inside the Kingdom, but they are not desirable abroad, and vice versa, and this requires moving to those markets and studying them well by marketing and investment experts to determine their needs of different date varieties.

Stressing that the palm is an important economic tributary, and the majority of the farms that work on its production are employed by Saudis, pointing out the difference between the production of household sustenance and unlimited general production, pointing out that there are undesirable varieties that come from the sorting of dates, but it is possible to exploit them in industries related to dates, as does Tunisia, which is less productive of dates but ranked first in export globally because of its entry into the market five decades ago and finding its place in the European market, pointing to the importance of Holding such scientific conferences that are one of the building blocks of science in the Kingdom and that he will come up with excellent recommendations that he hopes will be applied and taken very carefully by officials.

The researchers then took turns to present their research papers on the most prominent pests affecting the palms, where Dr. Ahmed Foley, Dr. Amira Sobhi, Dr. Hatem Al-Deeb, Dr. Jaber Tazdeit, Dr. Mohammed Nawar and Dr. Mansour Al-Bakshi spoke, and then followed by the presentation of the research papers, opening the way for discussion on the most important things presented during the session.

The session, chaired by Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Daoud, also dealt with biotechnology, Dr. Reem Saleh talked about the study of the prebic activity of the "Dagla Noor" passage, and the speaker Buthaina Al-Zakari touched on the topic of improving the absorption of phosphorus and the types of bacteria useful to the plant amid interaction by the attendees, while Dr. Nasser bin Saleh Al-Khalifa reviewed the use of tissue culture technology in replacing the loss of palm trees, and the session witnessed a great interaction by the attendees, and rich discussions on the topics raised.

Dr. Nasser bin Saleh Al-Khalifa chaired a session entitled "Modern Technology", in which several research papers in this field were presented by Dr. Murali Nair, Dr. Adel Mahmoud, Dr. Rasmi Darwish, Dr. Rashid Al-Obeid, Dr. Ahmed Al-Ghamdi and Dr. Abdul Moneim Al-Hadi.

While Dr. Sulaiman bin Mohammed Al-Rahyani chaired a session on the theme "Palm pests and their control", which discussed the most prominent pests that affect palm trees and the most prominent ways to resist and eliminate them.

The conference concluded its sessions with a discussion of palm production and care techniques and was chaired by Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Saqair, and was attended by Dr. Abdul Fattah Al-Salhi, Dr. Lubna Abdul Jalil and Dr. Rabab Al-Khalidi as speakers.

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