Hosting events at university that are open to the general public

H.H. the Emir of Qassim region sponsors the closing ceremony of the training course in sign language trainers organized by the Deanship of Community Service at Qassim University in cooperation with the Directorate of Security Patrols in Qassim, Kingdom.

Community Service Deanship concludes training program "The impact of corruption on the labor system" for the general directorate of civil defense in Qassim, A.D. Ibrahim bin Saleh al-Omar provided 6 hours of training, in the presence of 15 trainees, at the deanship headquarters.

The University, represented by the Deanship of Community Service, in collaboration with the University's Intellectual Awareness Unit, concluded on Thursday, July 9, 1443, the training courses for government department leaders and employees in the region, which were held under the auspices of His Royal Highness Prince Dr. Faisal bin Mashal bin Saud bin Abdul Aziz, Emir of Qassim region, and benefited 2,797 beneficiaries, as part of the university's initiative to activate his Highness's campaign" I am a Saudi who cherishes my identity."

The program targeted the leaders of government departments and their employees in Qassim region, with the aim of contributing to the consolidation of the correct legitimate concepts and manifesting the suspicions of those who abandon the texts of the revelations, as well as spreading the correct national intellectual awareness and raising the readiness of intellectual security, and preserving security and national gains and circumventing our guardians.

The aim of the program is also to raise awareness of the methods of misguided intellectuals in pitting the guardian and attempts to seduce young people under several names alien to Saudi society, in addition to uncovering organized smear campaigns that start from abroad and target the internal structure, especially the Saudi citizen.

The program included a training course entitled "The origins of stability (its manifestations are its causes and its effects)", presented by Dr. Khalid bin Abdul Aziz Abba al-Khayal, Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Studies, on Sunday, July 5, 1443, and aimed at clarifying the most important factors Which supports stability in countries, and its benefits to communities as peoples and individuals, and has benefited from this course about 433 beneficiaries from various levels of government departments in the region, in addition to the course "Information Crimes", presented by Dr. Younis Bin Ahmed Al-Mashaq faculty member of the Faculty On Monday, July 6, 1443, he reviewed the role of the regime in protecting society and the individual from the erroneous use of freedoms in relation to publishing and perception of others, and the number of beneficiaries of this course reached approximately 854 beneficiaries from various employees of government departments in Qassim region.

The program also included a course entitled "Saudi Personality (Foundations and Principles)", presented by Dr. Suleiman bin Mohammed Al-Atni, Undersecretary of the Faculty of Arabic Language and Social Studies, on Tuesday, July 7, 1443, with the aim of introducing the Saudi personality and its special nature, The various factors that affected its construction, and benefited from this course 745 beneficiaries from various levels of government departments in Qassim region, in addition to a training course entitled "The legitimate mandate (benefits and effects)", presented by Professor Dr. Khalid bin Saad Al Matrafi faculty member of the Faculty Sharia and Islamic Studies, on Wednesday, July 8, 1443, where this course aimed to introduce a correction of the concept of sharia in the minds of some intellectually possessed, and the number of beneficiaries amounted to about 765 beneficiaries from various employees of government departments in Qassim region.

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The Deanship of Community Service in collaboration with the Faculty of Sharia is pleased to invite you to attend the Women's Regular Awareness Program to register.

  • Information crimes

  • Drafting contracts, regulations and memorandums before the judiciary

  • Lawyers are a system and a system and morals

The University, represented by the Office of Graduate Affairs and Professional Development, in collaboration with the Human Resources Deanship Agency for Professional Development, will host the "Toyq 1000" camp, one of the largest technical camps, on Sunday, 4/3/1443 H, as part of launchksa, launched by the Saudi CyberSecurity, Programming and Drons Federation and lasting four months as the largest technical launch in the Middle East.

The university's hosting of the Twaiq 1000 camp comes from its national role and academic, educational and community mission to rehabilitate the country's youth and provide them with the necessary skills and capabilities, as well as as an advanced step to invest human minds from the energies of young men and women to advance the country globally and achieve the goals of Saudi Arabia Vision 2030.

The camp, which will be hosted by the University and will last for 3 months and end with recruitment, aims to qualify the young competencies and cadres of graduates and graduates of computer science colleges in Qassim region in the latest technical fields, where students will be trained in advanced technologies in programming and artificial intelligence by experts in the Saudi Federation of CyberSecurity, Programming and Drons, in cooperation with Google.

To all QUMED respected staffs and students, to improve the quality of research projects and scientific papers published in the University, and enhance the scope of research publication in internationally refereed journals with high impact factor, we are pleased to inform you that the Deanship of Scientific Research is providing access to an important online training program (Online Nature Masterclass) for all QU staffers and students.

  • Registration for this program by the official university e-mail ID ( through the following link here.

  • To access and to use the program anywhere, you need to access your account inside the university network at least once.

  • A training certificate will be awarded upon completion of the program.

  • This online training course will be valid until 30/04/2020.

For more details visit this link.

The Deanship of Library Affairs, in collaboration with the Deanship of Scientific Research, organizes a workshop entitled:

Skills for the use of software and websites for electronic documentation of sources of information in scientific research (Refworks)

Lecturer: Dr. Mahmoud Abdullah Faru

Advisor on Electronic Information Bases, Technical Support and Training

Appointment: Monday, March 2021/29 - 1442/8/9H

Time: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Location: Online on blackboard collaborate ultra

Link to attend the course on the Blackboard: Click here

Authenticate - Turnitin Scientific Transformations and Intellectual Property Rights Workshop (Problems, Situations and Solutions)

Lecturer: Dr. Mahmoud Abdullah Faru

Consultant for Electronic Information Bases, Technical Support and Training

Appointment: Monday, March 2021/ 22 A.D. - 1442/8/9 H

Time: 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Location: Online on blackboard collaborate ultra

Link to attend the course on the Blackboard: Click here

Technological skills for publishing in international scientific journals (Web of science - Scopus) and building the electronic identity of the researcher (Orcid - publons - google scholar).

Lecturer: Dr. Mahmoud Abdullah Faru.

Consultant for Electronic Information Bases, Technical Support.

Appointment Training: Monday, March 2021- 1442/8/2H.

Time: 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm.

Location: Online on blackboard collaborate ultra.

Link to attend the course on the Blackboard: Click here

List of training courses for the Dean of Library Affairs in cooperation with the Deanship of Scientific Research for the second semester.

Training courses will be announced ahead of schedule (Wednesday of each week) at:

Course and workshop lecturer: Dr. Mahmoud Abdullah Faru.

Electronic information bases consultant, technical support and training.

Quality and strategic planning.

The Deanship of Library Affairs, in collaboration with the Deanship of Scientific Research, organizes a workshop entitled:

Scientific transfers and intellectual property rights (problems, cases and solutions).

(Ithanticaite - Turnitin):

Lecturer: Dr. Mahmoud Abdullah Faru

Electronic information bases consultant, technical support and training

Date: Monday, 2021/2/22 AD

Time: 10am to 12pm

Place: Online on blackboard collaborate ultra

Link to attend the workshop on the Blackboard: Click here

The Deanship of Library Affairs, in collaboration with the Deanship of Scientific Research, organizes a workshop entitled:

Research Skills in Global Electronic Information Bases (Saudi Digital Library SDL - Search Engine Summon):

Lecturer: Dr. Mahmoud Abdullah Faru

Consultant for Electronic Information Bases, Technical Support, Training - Quality and Strategic

Planning Appointment: Monday, 1442/7/24 H - 2021/3/8pm

Time: 12:30 pm to 2:30pm

Venue: Online on Blackboard Collaborate ultra

Link Attending Workshop on Blackboard: Click here

The Deanship of Library Affairs organizes a training course entitled:

Library services and electronic information in Qassim University libraries.

For secretaries and libraries of college libraries and central library at Qassim University on Wednesday, 13 May 2020 - 21 Ramadan 1441. From 30:9 pm to 30:30 pm online on blackboard collaborate ultra.

To enter the course by clicking on this link here

On Sunday, 4/3/1443 AH, an additional 9 academic programs (bachelor, master, and doctorate programs), at Qassim University successfully obtained a programmatic accreditation from the Education and Training Evaluation Commission represented by the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Evaluation.

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On Sunday, 4/6/1442 H, His Excellency the President of Qassim University opened the training program for the preparation of the new faculty members, over three days, organized by the Leadership and Talent Development Center.

The Leadership and Talent Development Center held a training course for university employees during the period from 5-9 / 5/1442 H, entitled “Government Competitions and Procurement System”. Projects, service management, and maintenance.

Qassim University, represented by the College of Education, ended the Teacher’s Day celebration “Teachers: Leadership in Crises, Reimagining the Future” on Tuesday 19/2/1442 H with several training workshops

The training courses aimed to provide male and female trainees with the skills, knowledge, and capabilities necessary to implement student-centered learning strategies. Dr. Sultan Al-Muhaimid presented a course entitled "Learner-Centered Education" for men, and Dr. Wafaa Al-Raqeba presented it to female teachers, while Dr. Sufian Al-Rabdi presented a training course entitled " Assessment for Learning” for teachers, and it was presented by Dr. Nawal Al-Khidr to the teachers, where the trainees interacted with the trainers who provided these courses with modern and diverse training methods.

His Royal Highness Prince Fahad bin Turki bin Faisal bin Turki bin Abdulaziz, The Vice Governer of the Al-Qassim region, sent a letter of congratulations to His Excellency Prof. Dr. Abdulrahman Aldawood, the President of Qassim University, on the occasion of obtaining the full unconditional institutional academic accreditation from the Education and Training Evaluation Commission for the period from December 1, 2020, to November 30, 2027.

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The Faculty of Education in Housing was represented by the Student Guidance and Counseling Unit In cooperation with the Department of Psychology, the awareness lecture entitled:

( Specialized guidance and therapeutic approaches to deal with family problems and crises )

Presented by a group of graduates of the Department of Psychology under the supervision of Dr. Asma Mustafa, on Wednesday, 18/8/1442 AH from 6 to 8 pm, It was broadcast through the Blackboard platform, where the number of beneficiaries of the awareness lecture reached (87) beneficiaries.

The Faculty of Education in Housing represented by the Student Guidance and Counseling Unit has established In cooperation with the Department of Psychology, an awareness program entitled:

(Teaching and guiding children through play).

Presented by a group of graduates of the Department of Psychology under the supervision of Dr. Amna Yes, on Monday, 9/8/1442 AH from 6 to 8 pm, It was broadcast through the Blackboard platform, where the number of beneficiaries of the awareness program reached (69) beneficiaries.

The Faculty of Education in Housing was represented by the Guidance and Counseling Unit and the Student Club Unit In cooperation with the Department of Psychology, an awareness program entitled:

(Ask me. The importance of psychological and social counseling).

Presented by a group of graduates of the Department of Psychology under the supervision of Dr. / Nadia Idris, on Monday, 2/8/1442 AH from 6 to 8 pm, It was broadcast through the Blackboard platform, where the number of beneficiaries of the awareness program reached (121) beneficiaries.

The Faculty of Education in Housing was represented by the Unit (Student Guidance and Counseling) In cooperation with the Department of Psychology, an awareness lecture entitled:

( Cyberbullying ).

Presented by a group of graduates of the Department of Psychology Under the supervision of Dr. Magda Al-Odaini, Wednesday 26/7/1442 AH, from 6 to 8 pm.

The broadcast was broadcast on the Blackboard platform, where the number of beneficiaries of the awareness lecture reached 98 beneficiaries.