policy addressing women’s applications, acceptance/entry, and participation at the university

Dear Applicant for Admission to Qassim University for the Academic Year 1444 AH.

We are happy for you as a new student and we hope that you will be among the students of our prestigious university.

Believing in the importance of your academic awareness from the beginning of your consultation with us at the university, we have prepared for you all the information that interests you about admission and the specialties available at the university, the mechanism of admission and the mechanism of determining the path in the preparatory year after the completion of the joint track, as well as housing in the targeted colleges for the preparatory year after passing the health or scientific track, and other things you will find in this bulletin.

Enable those wishing to apply for it to complete the registration process through easy and accessible steps for everyone, which provided a full opportunity for all these numbers of male and female students to register and submit the required acceptance papers, noting that the deanship had raised its levels of readiness and preparedness to face any emergency that might hinder its work. Or cause depriving any of those wishing to apply from completing the registration steps.

Today, Tuesday, the university will celebrate this year’s graduates from various scientific, literary, and medical specializations from Buraidah Colleges and the University Studies Center for Female Students, in a ceremony held under the patronage of HRH Princess Abeer Al-Mandel, wife of His Highness the Governor of Qassim Region, in the university’s main lobby in Al-Maida.

For her part, Dr. Awatef Al-Saif, Dean of the University Studies Center and Head of the Organizing Committee for the Students’ Graduation Ceremony, said that the number of female graduates expected to graduate this year from the colleges of Buraidah and the Colleges of the University Studies Center is 1,786 female students. Science and knowledge for the labor market and the service of religion and the homeland.

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The university announced the opening of admission and registration for male and female high school graduates who wish to enroll in one of its colleges for the new academic year 1439/1440 AH, for the undergraduate stage, starting from tomorrow, Monday, corresponding to 10/11/1439 AH, until Saturday, October 16, 1439, AH, via the website. The electronic university, where the university made available all the information about the application to the various faculties and the method of registration and admission through its website.

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The university announced the opening of admission and registration for male and female high school graduates who wish to enroll in one of its colleges for the bachelor’s stage, from Saudis and non-Saudis (internal scholarship students) for the new academic year 1441 AH, starting from noon on Monday, corresponding to 14/10/1440 AH. And until ten in the morning on Sunday 20/10/1440 AH for all faculties and specializations at the university, as it will be available through the university's electronic portal during this period.

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The university, represented by the Deanship of Admission and Registration, announced the opening of admission to the undergraduate and diploma stages for male and female students and internal scholarship students for the academic year 1444 AH, through the electronic portal, where those wishing to apply can know the available specializations, admission requirements, and the application mechanism by looking at the admission bulletin that comes In line with the decisions of the University Affairs Council to achieve the needs of the labor market and increasing the opportunities for graduates in employment via the link: https://reg.qu.edu.sa/content/p/327 for male and female student, and to view the admission bulletin for internal scholarships for non-Saudis via the link here.

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Applying for the same conditions for both genders

The idea of ​​the committee is that each college nominates a male and female student who represents it in the committee’s membership. Their main task is to transfer everything related to the affairs of male and female students to the Higher Committee to consider their requests, respond to them, and achieve the services they need.” The Closed Voice Circle” was attended by the university’s vice-deputies, where he listened to their demands and needs, and promised to stand on the center, address problems, and amend notes, stressing that the stage requires everyone’s solidarity and teamwork as one team to advance the university at all levels.

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The University Vice Presidency for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research at Qassim University announces to all applicants via the website for the position of (demonstrator), which was previously announced for the first semester of the academic year 1438/1439 AH.

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The Deanship of Admission and Registration at the university announced the acceptance of 14,800 thousand male and female students to join the university in the next academic year 1441 AH, after the completion of the screening process and their fulfillment of the admission requirements among more than 26 thousand male and female applicants. For male students and 62 majors for female students, to study in all of the university’s 38 faculties in 21 headquarters in the various governorates of the region.

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The University announces the availability of several vacancies in various disciplines called "Ma'ad" in several university colleges for both sexes, to fill them with national competencies qualified scientifically and practically, in 37 disciplines, where applications for these positions will begin from next Sunday, 18 February 1441, until Sunday, May 3, 1441, H, through the link here.

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Registration in these programs is available following the announcement of their establishment, through the website of the Leadership and http://www.cudd.qu.edu.sa/default.aspx Development Centre, with a minimum of 15 trainees for the course, a maximum of 70 trainees, attributed to and affiliated only, and the trainee is entitled only to register for only two of these training programs during the summer period, with online courses provided through Blackboard Collaborate or Zoom or one of the university-approved systems, and courses are available to faculty members. The staff of both sexes (men and women) may be involved according to the numbers registered, and the trainee who is accepted is provided with the course link or entry mechanism after the registration is completed after the registration has been approved for each program.

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The learning outcomes of the program are formulated to indicate the student’s knowledge, information, abilities, skills and values upon graduation, and the learning outcomes of the course are formulated to show the knowledge, information, abilities, skills and values gained by the end of the course.

Students’ learning outcomes should be clearly defined and in line with the Saudi Qualifications, Framework (formerly the National Qualifications Framework) and the requirements of work or professional practice. The quality of education and the effectiveness of programs are assessed by assessing student performance, surveying graduates and employers, and using feedback from those parties as a basis for future development plans.

If the program has a male and female section, the quality standards and learning resources should be the same, and calendars should include separate data for each department. Provide a description of the quality assurance response procedures used to verify that the regulatory framework and arrangements for verifying that teaching and learning are working properly (for example, if measures are taken to verify student achievement levels against appropriate external references, state what were the results of these actions.

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    • 13000 female students participate in the cultural activities while 12000 male students did.

    • 98 female students participate in the research department while 58 male students did.

    • The university undergoes 6 workshops of 322 attendees including 118 female students and 75 male

    • Besides that, 12000 questionaries were spread in the university on students, staff, employees and social personalities. 1031 female students complete the questionnaire, where 880 male student did.