Policy of non-discrimination for transgender people

The learning outcomes of the program are formulated to indicate the student’s knowledge, information, abilities, skills and values upon graduation, and the learning outcomes of the course are formulated to show the knowledge, information, abilities, skills and values gained by the end of the course.

Students’ learning outcomes should be clearly defined and in line with the Saudi Qualifications, Framework (formerly the National Qualifications Framework) and the requirements of work or professional practice. The quality of education and the effectiveness of programs are assessed by assessing student performance, surveying graduates and employers, and using feedback from those parties as a basis for future development plans.

If the program has a male and female section, the quality standards and learning resources should be the same, and calendars should include separate data for each department. Provide a description of the quality assurance response procedures used to verify that the regulatory framework and arrangements for verifying that teaching and learning are working properly (for example, if measures are taken to verify student achievement levels against appropriate external references, state what were the results of these actions.

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It is also clear that the number of Saudi students enrolled which are 65912 students, represent 98.1% of the total enrollment, while the number of non-Saudi enrolled are 1257 students, which represents 1.9% of the total enrollment. It is also clear from the data that the number of students enrolled in the bachelor stage is the largest number, which represented 94.1%, while graduate students enrolled in the master’s stage accounted for 2.4% and enrolled in the doctoral level accounted for 0.6% of the total enrolled students in Qassim University.

The number of new students at the university reached 19051 students in 37/38 AH and 15722 students in 38/39 AH. The total number of graduates in the different stages of study at Qassim University is 10050 graduates, including 3480 males or 34.6% and 6570 females or 65.3%.

The number of graduates in graduate studies reached 226 graduates, 60.6% of whom were females and 39.4% were males. This is in addition to 121 graduates in the intermediate diploma level. The largest number of graduates was in the bachelor stage, where they represented 96.5% of the total number of graduates in the academic year 1438/1439.

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Charter of Rights

In the academic field

  • Receiving a student guide that provides information about the University, and its systems and facilities.

  • A Party reception for newcomers.

  • The education received by students will be evaluated and their observations will be used to improve the quality of teaching at the University. The students will evaluate the courses that they have studied and the faculty members who have taught them (the evaluation questionnaire is showed in the appendices) provided that the student deals with this credibly and is free from personal, partisan and tribal influences.

  • Providing the appropriate study environment so students can study and learn easily by providing all the educational capabilities available to serve this goal.

  • Obtaining the scientific material and knowledge associated with the university courses taught in accordance with the university rules and regulations governing academic work.

  • Obtaining the study plans in the faculty or department and the specializations, as well as reviewing the study schedules before the start of the study, conducting his/her registration in the courses offered to the student by the system, providing the rules of registration, taking into account the prioritization of registration in accordance with fair controls when it is not possible to achieve the wishes of all students.

  • Dropping or adding any course, dropping the entire semester as provided by the system of study and registering to the university within the specified period and announced to students.

  • Faculty members of the university will be committed to the dates, times of lectures to meeting the scientific and practical hours and they should not cancel the lectures or change their times unless necessary. In case of a cancellation of any lecture for whatever reason, an alternative lecture on those canceled or absent by the faculty member to complete the course would be given, after coordination with the students and the department.

  • Appropriate scientific inquiry and discussion with faculty members without censorship or punishment, whether during the lecture or during the announced office hours to meet the students.

  • The test questions should be within the course and its contents and the issues raised or referred to during the lectures. The distribution of grades would be balanced and logical in order to achieve a fair assessment of the student’s abilities.

  • Conducting all the tests that are held for the course unless there is a legal obstacle that prevents them from being conducted in accordance with the relevant regulations and instructions.

  • The student will be provided the key answer to the questions of the quarterly tests and the distribution of scores on the parts of the answer, which is based on the assessment of student performance before the final test of the course.

  • The student has the right to review his answer sheet in the tests according to the regulations and decisions issued by the university in regulating the mechanism of that review and its controls.

  • Facilitate obtaining all his rights within the university by the administrative or academic bodies in accordance with the regulations and rules of the university.

  • The student will be provided the results obtained in the monthly, quarterly and final tests performed after emptiness corrected and adopted.

  • The commitment of faculty members, staff and employees of the university employees to respect the student and give him all his academic and literary rights.

  • Adopting the electronic system in monitoring grades and limiting absence to be monitored regularly and not be delayed more than a week.

  • Notifying the student of the total grades of his work quarterly and practical before entering the final exam.

In the non-academic field

  • Enjoy the benefits and social welfare provided by the University and participate in the activities established there inbyhe regulations and university rules governing it.

  • Access to adequate health care through treatment within hospitals and health centers affiliated with the university.

  • Utilize the services and facilities of the university (e-book libraries, gym hall, cafeteria,, etc.) according to the rules and regulations of the university.

  • Obtaining the financial incentives and rewards prescribed by law, especially for the superior student.

  • Nomination for training courses and programs and internal and external trips and increase his participation in cultural activities as well as participation in community service activities and volunteer work.

  • The complaint or grievance of any matter that affects the student about a faculty member, department, college, or any of the University units, and the submission of the complaint or grievance by the rules governing the unit for the protection of Student Rights and enable the student to know the status of his complaint.

  • Enable him to defend himself before any party in the university in any disciplinary case filed against him. The student will not be sentenced until after hearing his statements unless it proves that his absence was an unacceptable excuse after being summoned for the second time.

  • Grievance against the disciplinary decision issued against him by the rules established in this regard under the provisions of disciplining students.

  • Maintain the contents of his file inside the university, dealing with it with care, not handing it over to anyone except to the student or his guardian or whoever delegates that file by the investigating authorities or the judiciary or another government agency. The contents of his file may not be disclosed or published unless such publication is the result of a disciplinary punishment against the student.

  • The right of the student with special needs to receive appropriate and appropriate service according to the rules and regulations in force.

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Same rights and duties as employees (equal pay for work of equal value and quality)

The University’s Deanship of University Development held a one-day training course to train several university employees on the continuous improvement methodology for the better within the work environment “Kaizen”, to familiarize them with this methodology and train them to master it, to establish improvement teams in all university departments and colleges. Dr. Faisal bin Omar Al Mahrouqi, Dean of the Deanship of University Development, confirmed that the Deanship has invited all university agencies, faculties, deanships, and departments, to select five employees and five female employees to lead continuous improvement projects using the “Kaizen” methodology, at the university level, and the invitation was accepted by all.

The course was attended by 145 employees and 128 female employees from various university faculties, departments, and deanships, pointing out that this course comes from the role of the Deanship in developing the administrative work at the university.

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His Excellency Prof. Abdul Rahman bin Hamad Al-Daoud, Rector of the University, extended the record of promotions for this year 1439 AH, where the total number of those who were promoted reached 677 male and female employees from the second to thirteenth rank, distributed among the departments and colleges of the university in several different disciplines, as part of the administrative work development plans aimed at To encourage male and female employees to exert more effort and give to improve the various services provided by the university.

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The university, represented by the Deanship of Scientific Research, is holding two training programs in scientific research, namely: the “Wa’ed Program” and “Jadeer Program”, on Mondays and Tuesdays on 3 - 4/1/1441 AH, with the participation of several speakers.

These programs organized by the Center target Forensic and Linguistic Sciences Research In the first week of the first semester of every academic year, faculty members hold the rank of assistant professor for men and women, as well as male and female teaching assistants, male and female graduate students.

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The university, represented by the Center for Leadership and Abilities Development, launched this morning, Sunday 9/1/1441 AH, the training program for new faculty members, which lasts for five days for men and women, at the center’s headquarters in the university city, to provide new members with the most important programs that help them to Planning and designing educational situations, and using new teaching methods, strategies, models and approaches, to achieve quality teaching and to support efforts to improve its quality.

The university, represented by the Deanship of Community Service, concluded yesterday, Thursday, 28/5/1441 AH, the secretarial work course for public security employees, which started on Sunday, 24/5/1441 AH, at the Chamber of Commerce in Buraidah, benefiting 65 trainees, men, and women.

The decisions issued stipulated: Renewing the appointment of Dr. Aisha bint Saeed Al-Shamrani as Vice Dean of the College of Science and Arts for Female Student Affairs - Literary Departments, and the appointment of Dr. Ziyad bin Muhammad Al-Muhaimid as Vice Dean of Scientific Research for Research Centers, and the appointment of Professor Badriya bint Suleiman Al-Mujil, Vice Dean for Female Student Affairs at the College of Science and Arts in Al-Rass Governorate, as well as the appointment of Dr. Sattam bin Khalif Al-Anzi as Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the College of Pharmacy in Onaiza Governorate, in addition to the appointment of Dr. Osama bin Ibrahim Al-Muslim as Head of the Department of Surgery at the College of Medicine, and the appointment of Dr. Abdul Hakim bin Nafaa Al-Mutairi as Head of the Department of Physiology Faculty of Medicine.

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The university, represented by the Center for Leadership and Capacity Development, held a training course during the period from 5-9/5/1442 AH, under the title “Competition and Governmental Procurement System”, which targeted university employees working in contracts and procurement management, financial management, budget management, and administration. Legal, project management, service management, and maintenance.