
The Saudi government has dedicated vast funds to enhance national health services with the goal of offering free healthcare services to its citizens. Health information professionals are concerned about the existence of viable national eHealth initiatives, plans, policies, procedures, and standards that can support improving national healthcare services. Among the different eHealth applications, such as the Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Electronic Health Record (EHR), Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), Telemedicine and many other technologies, the EMR has been increasingly adopted by Saudi organizations. Although all eHealth applications show a promising future in Saudi Arabia, the field has suffered from a variety of organizational and technical challenges in implementing eHealth initiatives in the country.

Qassim university meets The health law in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who aims to provide comprehensive health care for all people in a fair and accessible manner. The Kingdom, represented by the Ministry of Health, provides an integrated network of health care services covering all regions of the Kingdom. The health care in the government medical facilities is provided for citizens for free and based on a new health care law that meets the needs of the health sector.

Moreover, Qassim University Medical City is the first academic medical city specializing in the Qassim region. It provides advanced health care to citizens of the region and residents alike as it has a distinguished strategic location that serves all governorates of the region and is among the largest emerging medical gatherings. The establishment of this city came based on the decision of His Excellency the President of the University and the appointment of a director an executive year for it and the city seeks to attract specialized medical and health competencies in all fields in light of the keenness and constant attention our government gives to the comfort of citizens and residents and the provision of comprehensive health care and medical services. They are taking the principle of achieving the adequacy and quality of services for asylum service and meet the growing need for medical services specialist in the region. Where the hospital aspires to provide global medical care and to become the best in the world by meeting the highest standards set by the Joint International Accreditation Authority, which is responsible for preparing, monitoring and maintaining standards of excellence in the health care industry.

The Medical City at the Qassim University has joined a team to establish a private health center in January 2017 with a capacity of 751 beds and has a team of highly trained and professional workers. the doctors the team of doctors and dentists includes a significant number of highly qualified consultants and specialists who have passed the fellowship and membership stages in the medical specialization councils with accumulated years of experience. To enhance medical knowledge, the department invests in training and workshop programs so that doctors remain in follow-up to the latest medical updates, including techniques and techniques, all followed by lectures, conferences, and open electronic access to all world-famous medical references.