International collaboration and research, review comparative approaches and develop international best practice on tackling the SDGs

International collaborations that are provided to the students to improve their knowledge that is then transferred to the university with a new and improved approach for research

His Excellency Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Hamad Al-Daoud, Rector of the University, opens the new headquarters of the Center for Sustainable Development at the university today, Thursday, 24/8/1439 AH. In line with the nature of the center's objectives, he was acquainted with the exhibits of wild seeds, treated water, types of wildwood, and healthy and clean "organic" vegetables, which added to the headquarters a present mental connection.

The Inventions and Research Ideas Center at the university is holding a scientific meeting entitled “Stages of Innovation… From Idea to Product”, on Tuesday morning in the main hall of the Faculty of Engineering, in the presence of several faculty members and more than 30 students. After that, Dr. Sami Al-Mahfuzy, a faculty member at the College of Economics and Administration, spoke about the concept of innovation and its stimulation and how to transform ideas into valuable products that contribute to sustainable development and support the knowledge economy. Addressing the most famous programs that help design a prototype to manufacture it at the lowest costs, such as the use of 3D printing.

Prof. Dr. Mohsen bin Abdul Rahman Al-Mohsen, a member of the teaching staff at the Department of Education, conducted a workshop entitled “Education for Sustainable Development: New Roles for the Teacher”, during which he reviewed the concept of sustainable development and its four components: (economic, social, environmental, and cultural), then discussed the term Education for Sustainable Development, which aims to propose an educational system that derives new roles for the teacher, stimulates his role in society and inspires him to achieve the goals and objectives of education while preserving his cultural identity and pride in his country and values.

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The university, represented by the Center for Innovation and Intellectual Property, ranked first at the level of Saudi universities in the final stage of the "University Innovation Challenge" competition, which was held by the Prince Mohammed bin Salman College of Management and Entrepreneurship, in partnership with the Ministry of Education, in King Abdullah Economic City during the period From 24-26/3/ 2022 AD. His Excellency the Dean of the College, Dr. Abdul Rahman Ibrahim Al-Attiyah, the project supervisor, has expressed that innovation aims to achieve most of the sustainable development goals, the goals of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s 2030 vision for sustainability, and the strategic plan of the university. To the summit and achieve first place in the first and quality version of the challenge.

His Excellency Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Hamad Al-Daoud, President of the University, with the support that the university enjoys from the wise leadership - may God protect him - which has spared no effort in supporting innovation and innovators, and injecting more innovative projects into the national economy, to achieve sustainable development, and to empower innovators and talented distinguished people in the scientific and technical fields, noting that this exhibition is one of the university’s initiatives in spreading the culture of innovation, discovering innovators and innovations in the region, enhancing talent, and refining expertise and creativity, in line with the pillars of the human capacity development program, by preparing students to compete in national and international forums.

His Highness the Prince of Qassim praised the outputs of the College of Architecture and Planning at Qassim University, which was carried out by a group of the nation’s youth whom we are very proud of, and for their efforts to contribute to the service of development fields in the Kingdom and the region, noting that those projects undertaken by the students were characterized by creativity and uniqueness, whether At the level of the idea, goal or urban design uniquely and beautifully, His Highness praised the role of the university and its excellence in preparing qualified competencies that meet the needs of the labor market and provide community and research services that support sustainable development in the region.

The Community Service Unit at the College of Design concluded the activities of the Environment Week by holding a lecture entitled "Sustainable Development and its Role in the Field of Fashion" presented by Dr. Duaa Abboud, Associate Professor of Fashion Design College of Designs, on Thursday, 24/3/2022 through the Blackboard e-learning system, and the lecture dealt with the definition of sustainability and the Kingdom's Vision 2030 in sustainability, some sustainability practices in fashion, and the role of the fashion designer in sustainable fashion.