
Qassim University established as a new university that carrying an academic and research legacy extends to more than four decades in the region, as some colleges received students since 1401 H. Qassim University was founded in implementation of the national plan to expand higher education and universities. The Supreme Decree No. 7/B/22042 was issued for establishing Qassim University in the Academic Year 1423/1424 AH, which then included seven colleges affiliated to Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University and to King Saud University branches in the Qassim region.

Qassim University is one of the first modern universities, exempting the seven universities, in terms of origin, development and expansion. It has been established according to directives of government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques for advancement of education. New colleges have been opened due to the growing number of high school graduates in Qassim region.

The number of colleges has been increased in the academic year 1427/1428 as a result of annexation of teachers colleges and colleges of education for girls in the cities of Qassim region (total number are nine colleges) to the university. In addition, during academic year1428/1429 and its annexation of the restructuring of health colleges (total number are four colleges), which was affiliated to the Ministry of Health.

Qassim University has grown rapidly, currently comprising thirty-eight (38) colleges, found in twelve Provinces in addition to the main campus in Al-Malaidah, deanship of deanship of educational services (foundation year) and deanship of community service that supervising various diploma programs.

The study in Qassim University is not limited to the traditional teaching strategies, but the university established the deanship of E-learning and distance education, in order to keep pace with scientific, technical and cultural developments. In addition to facilitating studying for applicants who want to continue their study in the field of higher education to move forward to a better future.

The support of the Government of the Kingdom for Qassim University showed a clear impact on its transformation into a modern university with a number of students at the present time (66894) male and female students from more than 80 countries around the world.

Qassim University is one of the comprehensive public universities in Saudi Arabia. The university is determined to develop and update its curricula and courses, and to provide the environment for academic advancement in various fields of science and knowledge, and to conduct scientific studies and research related to the problems of the environment and the society.

Besides that, Qassim University pursues in its education strategy the application of standards and foundations of quality assurance and accreditation, which resulted in fully accreditation of the university until 2027 by the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Assessment in the Kingdom. Moreover, many academic programs of the university have been accredited and recognized either nationally (23 academic programs) or internationally (15 academic programs) (Deanship of Development and Quality). Also, the university develops and improves its outputs through the use of a number of modern teaching methods, and strategies, inclusion of cooperative training programs and the introduction and development of programs to meet the requirements of the labor market. In addition, there was a noticeable development in the adoption of electronic learning in Qassim University. The number of electronic courses were developed from 3 courses on 2015/2016 to 459 courses in 2020/2021. On the other hand, the university is developing the performance of faculty members and those of similar standing and employees through special training programs provided by the Leadership and Capacity Development Center.

The status of the university in terms of academic accreditation:

  • Institutional academic accreditation

There is no doubt that the development, development and training of human resources is directly related to education, whether at the level of general education or higher or technical education, and institutional academic accreditation is one of the important and fundamental aspects of the development of universities of any kind, and of all their activities. Since its inception, Qassim University has sought to understand the standards of academic accreditation on which it should be based and applied in all its activities, departments and programs so that in light of this it can compete internationally in the quality of education and the quality of its outputs.

  • Type of Accreditation: Institutional Accreditation.

  • Accreditation: The National Center for Academic Accreditation and Evaluation.

  • Accreditation Date: May-2013 to April 2020.

  • Accreditation Type: Full unconditional approval.

  • Ranking of the university at the national level in obtaining accreditation: Third, obtaining academic accreditation is an objective testimony to the high quality of education in this accredited body, the excellence of its scientific level, and the availability of all the elements and requirements that ensure quality and excellence. This, in turn, will reflect on the community's confidence in this entity and its outputs. The institutional academic accreditation project was preceded by two main steps undertaken by the university, namely the initial self-assessment project and the development study project.

The decision of His Excellency the Rector No. 368-374/M was issued on 15/7/1430 AH to start the project of institutional academic accreditation, which includes the evaluation of many aspects directly related to the performance of the university.The project was inaugurated on Saturday 25/4/1431 AH in an official ceremony attended by His Excellency the Rector, His Excellency the Vice-Deans of the University, the Deans of the Faculties and the committees formed for the project. He has formally applied to the National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Evaluation to qualify for institutional academic accreditation.

This phase lasted a full academic year from 1427 to 1428 AH, and the study was conducted by a group of committees commissioned by His Excellency the Rector. The study covered many aspects directly related to the performance of the university and in particular focused on diagnosing the current reality of the university and knowing, maintaining and improving strengths, and weaknesses that need improvement at the university.

  • The project of the development study of Qassim University

took another academic year 1429-1430 AH. This study included the institutional evaluation carried out by a special committee commissioned by His Excellency the Rector, and the evaluation of some programs at the university and the aim of this study was to raise the level of quality existing in the activities and programs of the university within the efforts of the university in strategic planning to ensure and improve quality within the units, colleges and deanships of the university and obtain academic accreditation.

  • Programmatic

academic accreditation The study programs have been accredited in the following colleges:

  • International Credits

The study programs are accredited by the following international bodies:

Launching the activities of the Second Knowledge Economy Forum. The university supports building a knowledge society. Next Sunday Media Center:

The Faculty of Economics and Administration of the University organizes the second forum for the knowledge economy next Sunday, 24 Jumadi Al-Awwal 1436 corresponding to March 15, 2015 at the Faculty of Economics and Administration in the University City of Al-Meida. The organization of this forum comes after the success of the first forum, which was held a year ago, and the forum is one of the initiatives of the Faculty of Economics and Management, which is in line with the university's strategic plan to contribute to building the elements of the knowledge economy and the transition to a knowledge society. It is noteworthy that this forum reflects the role of universities in responding to the initiatives of the Ministry of Economy and Planning in the Kingdom towards the development of a national strategy for the transition to a knowledge society. It also supports the initiatives of the Ministry of Education - Higher Education on strategic directions, entities and practices related to entrepreneurship, innovation and incubators.

His Excellency the Rector of Qassim University, Prof. Dr. Khalid bin Abdulrahman Al-Hammoudi, pointed out that the construction of the strategy of Qassim University invested in the reality of the knowledge society and its future and the university took the initiative from a strategic perspective to participate and contribute to the successful transformation to the knowledge society and its economy, the vision of Qassim University as "a nationally distinguished university in education, supportive of sustainable development in Qassim, contributing to building a knowledge society" includes knowledge dimensions that contribute to the successful transformation towards a knowledge society.

His Excellency pointed out that the interest of Qassim University in these dimensions stems from its mission, for which it was established, as the university is interested in building a state of balance.

Between academic activity and encouraging scientific research and providing opportunities to link with partners for more interaction between researchers besides its interest in serving the community on the other hand, the university seeks to adopt the applications of knowledge to be a fundamental pillar for building a knowledge society and striving for sustainable development to achieve the real goal of all these efforts, which is to achieve the advancement of the aspirations of society and its development goals, which is what our wise government seeks through the strategic objectives of development plans, and what the Ministry of Economy and Planning aspires to, which plans to shift towards a knowledge economy and society out of a sense of its social responsibility and national duty.

The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Dr. Obaid Al-Mutairi, pointed out that the College offers in its second forum a scientific margin for researchers and thinkers to put forward and discuss in depth about perspective

The Saudi strategy for the transformation to the knowledge society and economy, believing that the essential role of universities lies in the research work that would identify gaps and weaknesses in the contexts of strategic thinking and spaces for the practical application of programs and initiatives, as well as identify the strengths and untapped opportunities, in a way that enriches sincere national efforts, enhances the components, meets the requirements and overcomes current and future obstacles and challenges.

Prof. Dr. Abdullah Al-Baridi, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Forum, explained the scientific papers that include critical analytical readings of strategic documents in the field of the theme of the forum, including the "National Strategy for the Transformation into a Knowledge Society" (Ministry of Economy and Planning, 1435 AH) and other documents of a strategic nature, as well as strategic directions. Practical programmes implemented or to be implemented.

For his part, the Head of the Department of Economics, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hassoun, the General Supervisor of the Forum, stressed the importance of the topics of the Forum in its second session in terms of discussing the topic of the knowledge economy and the challenges facing its applications in the Kingdom, and stressed that the scientific papers and participations brought together the academic and professional aspects and the participation in one of the courses related to society and the knowledge economy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including, the technical dimensions of the Saudi strategy (strategic and executive plans), the economic dimensions, and the scientific and research dimensions,

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Included running preparatory year English courses and an information network

His Excellency the Rector of Qassim University, Prof. Dr. Khalid bin Abdulrahman Al-Hammoudi, signed two contracts for two new projects, at a total cost of more than 80 million riyals, in the presence of the Director of the Procurement Department, Mr. Fahad Al-Suwail, the Director of the Legal Department, Mr. Mohammed Al-Harbi, and representatives of the companies and institutions on which the projects were anchored.

The new projects included the operation of English language courses in the preparatory year program for the amount of (55,534,611) riyals with the Gulf Company for Training and Education represented by Mr. Abdullah bin Saleh Al-Shaiban as well as the project of information network infrastructure in the faculties of Qassim University with a telecommunications company represented by Mr. Sulaiman bin Saleh Al-Rumaikhani for the amount of (25,245,782) riyals.

For his part, the Rector of Qassim University stressed that these contracts come within the system of new projects that the university is celebrating, which continues its efforts to complete the university city and the branches of the university spread in the region, appreciating the support of the wise leadership for the march of higher education and offering his thanks to His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education for his interest in advancing the wheel of Saudi universities in general, appreciating the efforts of his colleagues in the Vice Rectorate and the concerned departments.

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After sponsoring the graduation ceremony of the tenth batch of its students, praising its tenders. Faisal Bin Bandar: Qassim University was founded to build man and kept pace with the period of its development since its inception.

His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz, Governor of Qassim Region, praised the tenders of Qassim University on the occasion of the passage of a decade since its establishment, pointing out that he has kept pace with this period, since its inception, development and continuation in this field, praising God for the excellence of the university and its leadership in the scientific and social field, which is what we all aspire to in the service of society in all its matters, pointing out that the university was founded to build man in all his directions and specialties.

His Highness blessed in a press interview after sponsoring the ceremony of the tenth batch of graduates of Qassim University for graduates and graduates, calling on Allah the Almighty to be the building blocks and helped build and good arms for this blessed country that is proud of its sons and prepares them all the ways for good educational achievement, expressing his happiness in his presence with his sons graduates, congratulating the wise leadership headed by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and His Highness the Crown Prince Al-Amin and the Second Vice President for this great giving.

His Highness the Amir of Qassim Province stressed that these graduates will give of themselves with this graduation to serve the country, asking God for success and happiness, congratulating at the same time the parents on this happy occasion for everyone on the graduation of their children, hoping that this happiness will be permanent for everyone and that all our days will be the glory and repayment of this dear homeland.

On Sunday afternoon, in the presence of His Highness Prince Dr. Faisal bin Meshaal bin Saud bin Abdulaziz, His Highness the Deputy Prince Dr. Faisal bin Meshaal bin Saud bin Abdulaziz, sponsored the graduation ceremony of the tenth batch of Qassim University, which numbered (6642) graduates at the university's headquarters in the university city.

The ceremony opened with the march of the graduates to the tune of the royal peace, followed by a speech program in which His Excellency the Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Khalid bin Abdulrahman Al-Hammoudi, said:

Here we are celebrating the tenth batch of graduates of Qassim University ten years after its establishment, and the number of graduates of this batch has reached (2222) graduates in the bachelor's stage, including the first batch of students of the Faculty of Science and Arts in the Falconry Mind in the departments of Arabic language, mathematics and physics, the first batch of students of the Department of Systems in the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, the first batch of students of the Department of Learning Difficulties at the College of Education in Buraidah, the first batch of students of the Department of Psychology in the same college and the first batch of students of the Department of Psychology in the same college A batch of female students of the Faculty of Nursing and the first batch of graduates of the rehabilitation programs held by the Community College in Buraidah in Buraidah Prison.

We are also pleased to graduate (94) graduates in the graduate stage and to Allah the Almighty and the Credit.

The university will also celebrate next Wednesday, God willing, the graduation of 4420 female graduates in a special ceremony for them to make the total number of graduates of the university for this year (6642) male and female graduates.

His Excellency addressed a speech to his graduating sons, in which he said: "From this place I congratulate you on this happy day, which is the closing ceremony of the beautiful years you spent in the university rehab, congratulating the homeland on you as you take your first steps in order to serve and raise it, you stand at the end of a threshold, and another beginning and you have challenges ahead of you, so be as much as your society and your country expect from you of effort, sincerity, determination and ambition. It is as determined as the people of determination come, and I am sure that you will be the best of those who carry the flag and are inspired by wisdom and the knowledge of the truth to stand up to all those who want evil in you, your religion, your morals and your homeland and you deserve this trust – with His permission.

The university, which is visiting you today, makes you feel that behind you is a community that expects more giving from you and a lot of effort to spread science, spread knowledge and instill the principles of beautiful creation.

I am from this place to find it a suitable opportunity to send the most beautiful congratulations and the best greeting to the parents of our graduate children and especially to congratulate the parents on this achievement achieved by their children and the fruit they have received, so congratulations to you on them God made them an eye for you and repaid on the path of good their footsteps.

On behalf of the graduates and employees of the University, His Excellency extended his sincere thanks and appreciation to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, his Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Abdul Aziz and the Second Vice President His Royal Highness Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz, may God protect them all for their efforts for the advancement and comfort of their sons and daughters, male and female students.

I also extend my highest thanks to His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Bandar bin Abdulaziz, Governor of Qassim Province, for his sponsorship of this ceremony and to His Royal Highness Prince Dr. Faisal bin Meshaal bin Saud bin Abdul Aziz for their support to the University on all its occasions, offering his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education Dr. Khalid bin Mohammed Al-Anqari for his continuous support to the University and its plans, appreciating the efforts of his colleagues from the Deanship of Admission and Registration for organizing this ceremony, headed by them. Dean of Admission and Registration and his agents.

He also delivered the speech of the graduates Imad Al-Washmi, a graduate of the Faculty of Human Medicine, stressing that their position at this juncture of history in their scientific career is a position of grace that we should have in this giving country to thank God for it first and then praise thanks to our governors, university officials and families for standing and supporting their scientific career and overcoming the difficulties facing them and said: Four years ago you stood honest and supportive and all of you are optimistic and hopeful that we will be something one day, pointing out that they have reaped what they have planted and that excellence He starts from home and from where he sets off and comes back, offering his congratulations to all his fellow graduates, praising His Highness for his constant sponsorship of the graduation ceremony of the university students.

Mohammed bin Freih Al-Aqla, a graduate of graduate studies, confirmed that he registers the university administration for the accreditation of multiple and diverse graduate programs, saying: "The sons and daughters of the region threw the travel stick, which many have previously pulled in search of higher degrees and now it is within their reach, stressing that the programs of graduate studies in the region have become a beacon and have become the focus of attention of students from inside and outside the Kingdom, so congratulate the university on its management and delight its master.

In conclusion, His Highness honored the outstanding graduates, wishing them success in their scientific and practical future, and then the commemorative photos of the graduates were taken with His Highness.

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It included the establishment of classrooms in a number of university faculties in the governorates of the region.

His Excellency the Rector of Qassim University, Prof. Dr. Khalid bin Abdulrahman Al-Hammoudi, signed five new projects to establish classrooms for a number of faculties of the University, with a value of about 77 million riyals and the duration of their implementation is 10 months, in the presence of the Vice President of the University, Prof. Dr. Abdul Moneim bin Ibrahim Al-Abdul Moneim, and the Director of Procurement Department, Mr. Fahad Al-Suwail, and representatives of the companies and institutions on which the projects were anchored, and the new projects included the signing of a contract for the establishment of classrooms at the Faculty of Science and Arts in the governorate of Aqla Al-Saqour for the amount of "16,403,222" riyals with Emaar Al-Diaa Contracting Establishment The establishment of classrooms at the Faculty of Science and Arts in Dhariya Governorate for the amount of "17,416,359" riyals with Ahmed Al-Odaibi Trading and Contracting Company, the establishment of classrooms for the students of the Faculty of Science and Arts in the governorate of Al-Comet for the amount of "14,499,756" riyals with the Saudi Construction Company, and the contract for the establishment of classrooms at the College of Science and Arts in the governorate of Badaiya for the amount of "14,274,294" riyals with Hanuf Trading and Contracting Company, as well as the signing of a contract for the establishment of classrooms for female students in the Faculty of Science and Arts in Al-Rass governorate for the amount of "14,211,776" million riyals with Al-Akram Trading and Contracting Company.

For his part, the Rector of Qassim University stressed that these contracts come within the system of new projects of the university, which continues its efforts to complete the branches of the university spread in the region, praising the support of the wise leadership for the march of higher education and offering his thanks to His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education for his interest in advancing the wheel of Saudi universities in general, appreciating the efforts of his colleagues in the Vice Rectorate and the concerned departments.

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It is the first college in the Kingdom to accredit the Master of Mathematics:

  • Dr. Al-Hammoudi: The achievement of the Faculty of Science is proud of the university and we will continue to support quality in the colleges.

  • Dr. Al-Yahya: We launched an annual award to support the quality march and create positive competition.

  • Dr. Al-Rumayyan: Accreditation will contribute to attracting distinguished professors, researchers and students.

  • Dr. Al-Turki: Graduates of the college can compete globally in their various scientific disciplines.

The Faculty of Science at Qassim University has achieved international academic accreditation for all its programs from the German Authority for International Academic Accreditation Azin (ASIN) and thus is considered the first college in the Kingdom to achieve international accreditation for the program (Master in Mathematics) and the second to achieve academic accreditation for all programs of the college.

His Excellency the Rector of Qassim University, Prof. Dr. Khalid bin Abdulrahman Al-Hammoudi, expressed his happiness at achieving this outstanding achievement of the Faculty of Science, hoping in the rest of the faculties of the university to obtain academic accreditation, God willing. His Excellency pointed out that the College of Science has drawn its vision, mission and objectives scientifically and culminated in its outstanding outputs since its inception and we hope for much in the future in the service of the homeland and the citizen, and His Excellency thanked and appreciated the Dean and Vice-Deans of the College and its faculty members and all its employees for their efforts and continuous vigilance to reach this historic achievement of the College and thanked all departments and deanships at the University that helped the College achieve this achievement. H.E. the Rector pointed out that the university will continue to focus on quality, as it has established the Vice Deanship of Development and Planning, in addition to the Deanship of Quality Assurance and Accreditation and the Deanship of University Development to support the quality process in the faculties of the university. The Director extended his thanks and gratitude to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, His Highness the Crown Prince and His Highness the Second Vice President for their continuous and continuous support to higher education, to Qassim University, to His Highness the Amir of the Qassim Region and his Deputy for the continuous support and follow-up of the University's march, and also thanked His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and his Deputy for their support to the University and overcoming all the difficulties it faces in order to reach the desired goals.

While the Vice President for Development, Planning and Quality congratulated Prof. Dr. Sulaiman bin Abdulaziz Al-Yahya, the Rector of the University and its agents and the Dean of the College of Science and its employees of leaders, faculty members and students stressing that this reflects the orientation of the university in general in the interest and support of the process of applying quality in the colleges of the university and its academic programs, pointing out that the colleges of the university are moving forward in the accreditation of their programs, pointing out that the Vice Deanship of Planning at the University launched the award of the shield of His Excellency the Rector for quality annually for the faculties, deanships and departments of the university with the aim of Creating positive competition in this aspect, explaining in conclusion that the university is proceeding according to what was planned in the process of applying quality and this is what will appear on it in the near future, God willing.

For his part, Dr. Fahad bin Mohammed Al-Rumayyan, Dean of the College of Science, said: "Academic accreditation is an effective tool to evaluate and enhance the quality of the educational process and the continuity of its development. Obtaining academic accreditation enhances confidence in the educational institution that has been accredited by the community, and increases the chances of its success and excellence. It is a way for the college to be more attractive, and better able to attract distinguished faculty, researchers, administrators, as well as attentive students. Therefore, the Faculty of Science was keen to speed up obtaining accreditation by achieving its requirements. After the conciliation of Allah and then the tireless work of the administration of the College, with its departments, various units, and its students, the College obtained programmatic academic accreditation for all programs at the undergraduate level, namely mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, in addition to the Master's program in Mathematics from the International Accreditation Commission (ASIIN) Therefore, this accreditation constitutes an important step for the College, towards providing world-class educational and research services. It also enhances confidence in them, as they aim to invest in the human element that forms the basis of overall development. It helps the college to move forward in ensuring the quality of the performance of its various departments and units and the performance expected of them in relation to the educational, research and service process in accordance with specific mechanisms and frameworks set by the accreditation system of the accredited body.

The accreditation was the culmination of the efforts of the Deanship of the College and its agents in both male and female students and the educational and administrative bodies in the departments of the College and its various units to upgrade the educational and research process and provide all possible means of development, especially the effort of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Committee in the College under the supervision of my colleague Prof. Dr. Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Turki, Vice Dean for Administrative Affairs as well as the Quality Committees in the departments of the College and I do not forget the role of our male and female students and their insistence on qualitative educational achievement. It is worth mentioning that accreditation is an important first step to achieving quality that will be followed, God willing, by continuous cooperation between the College and ASIIN to promote the application of international standards in the educational, administrative and research work of the College, because development is a sustainable process, and requires continuous follow-up of the latest theories and developments in the educational and research curricula and support services.

On this occasion, I am pleased to extend my thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Rector of Qassim University, Prof. Dr. Khalid bin Abdulrahman Al-Hammoudi, whose great material and moral support to the College had the greatest impact, after the conciliation of God, in obtaining the college international accreditation, as well as thanking the Vice President for Planning, Development and Quality, Prof. Dr. Sulaiman bin Abdulaziz Al-Yahya, who had a distinctive role in standing with the College until it received accreditation, and thanks are extended to the Vice-Deans of the University and I do not forget the special support of the Deanship of Quality. The accreditation is led by its dean, Dr. Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Mushaiqah.

Prof. Dr. Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Turki, Vice Dean of the College of Science for Administrative Affairs and Supervisor of Quality and Accreditation Works at the College, expressed his happiness with the international academic accreditation obtained by the College, especially as it comes to achieve the mission and vision of the College, which is based on the aspirations of the University in this field and in response to the directives of its administration. He pointed out that the accreditation comes in recognition of the efficiency of the scientific programs provided by the Faculty of Science to its students, and that it achieves the quality standards applied in the world's distinguished universities, and that the graduates of the college can compete globally in various fields of their scientific specializations, Prof. Dr. Al-Turki stressed that the team of the German Commission for Academic Accreditation praised the strength of the infrastructure of Qassim University, student and office services, the system of admission and automatic registration, health and recreational services, laboratory and laboratory equipment.

The college and the preparations found in the college at the level of faculty members, technicians, staff and students (boys and girls) and what he touched of the spirit of one team among all, and the excellence of facilities, equipment, laboratories, laboratories, classrooms, smart halls and lecture transfer halls (V.C.R.) The team also praised the scientific production published by faculty members during the past years where a number of researches were published in scientific journals classified globally.

Prof. Dr. Al-Turki pointed out that the international academic accreditation obtained by the college is the result of the great and serious efforts made by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit, the quality subcommittees of the scientific departments, the members of the faculty and all the employees and employees of the college, which began three years ago to prepare a review of the study plans of the college's programs, and complete the preparation and collection of all accreditation documents.

For his part, Prof. Dr. Sulaiman bin Saleh Al-Dheeb, Dean of the Faculty of Science (formerly) and one of the pioneers of this achievement, said that accreditation was achieved only thanks to God and then through the follow-up and unlimited support of the leader of the first education, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, and those in charge of higher education in the Kingdom, and then the concerted efforts and cooperation of all.

He pointed out that the process of academic accreditation includes criteria related to the efficiency of faculty members, curricula, the development of the admission and registration system, in addition to the adoption of the college for self-evaluation, work on continuous development, study the weaknesses and strengths of its proposed programs and their relationship with community institutions and the labor market and the extent to which the skills mastered by graduates match the needs of different employment sectors in the country, the region and the world.

This requires strategic planning to ensure high levels and competition for outputs related to the university's well-known functions (education, scientific research, community service), which is what the Faculty of Science at Qassim University is proceeding with.

Prof. Dr. Al-Thieb stressed that the accreditation of the Faculty of Science will be reflected on all employees of the college and the faculty members will find global acceptance both in terms of graduate studies and in terms of accepting their research outputs and publishing them in distinct publishing vessels.

The Head of the Department of Physics, Dr. Saleh Abdullah Al-Ashra, said that the scientific departments in the Faculty of Science have long sensed the importance of programmatic accreditation. I was very keen to apply quality standards to obtain accreditation for the college's programs. This accreditation is a real indicator of the quality of the departmental outputs. Which has a great impact on the preparation of specialized scientific cadres that contribute to the service of society, whether in the field of education, industry or other different areas of life. The scientific departments were keen to be accredited because this corresponds to the vision, mission and objectives of the college as well as the university. Thankfully, the programs of the college obtained accreditation from the German Accreditation Authority for the physics program thanks to God and then the unlimited support provided by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and his wise government for higher education and thanks to the distinguished efforts of the university administration and the staff of the Faculty of Science from faculty members, administrators and others, which had a great impact in obtaining accreditation. And getting certified is a means, not an end. Our goal is to continue and progress that brings the college and its employees with sophistication and excellence.

Dr. Bader bin Saleh Al-Muhaimid, Head of the Department of Mathematics at the College of Science, stressed that the College of Science's obtaining academic accreditation from the German Commission for International Program Accreditation (ASIIN) is an extension of the achievements, steady successes and global academic developments achieved by the University in multiple fields, and this achievement, which was recorded in international forums in the name of the homeland, is a clear indication of the scientific position occupied by the Kingdom at the moment. Qassim University as Director and Senior Administration, and the Faculty of Science as Dean, Deans, Administration, Faculty Members and Students have the right to be proud of an unprecedented achievement that has made their college among the ranks of international colleges despite its modernity, and has given it the status of academic quality with an international certificate. Noted D. Al-Muhaimid pointed out that obtaining academic accreditation did not come out of thin air.

It was preceded by the efforts of a large team in order to achieve this achievement in its educational programs, which will enable the college and the university more generally to link their educational programs with prestigious international universities, and this will support the requirements of the labor market and society in general and will enable to benefit from the latest and best experiences in distinguished international universities in the field of building and updating curricula besides benefiting from the views of employment institutions in the public and private sectors, which ensures the student graduates from an accredited program to be He has acquired a set of knowledge, abilities and skills necessary to practice the profession enjoyed by his peers in developed countries, and this also facilitates the graduate to get the right job if he wants to work or admission to international universities if he wants to continue studying.

The Director of the Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation Unit at the Faculty of Science, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ahmed Al-Sawy Hijazi, pointed out that the College of Science's obtaining international programmatic accreditation from the German Authority (ASIN) is the culmination of Qassim University's distinguished march towards global leadership and an achievement added to the University's continuous scientific achievements. This achievement achieved by the college came thanks to God first and then the support of the college administration and a tireless and continuous effort from all faculty members, faculty members and students and students and awareness from everyone of the importance of continuous development and commitment to it and solidarity to make it a success and interact with its outputs.

He pointed out that the college began the process of giving since its inception by participating in all accreditation and academic development projects, starting from the self-study project, the development study project for programs, then the project of developing academic programs, then the project of international accreditation of academic programs and finally the project of national accreditation of bachelor's programs of the National Commission for Academic Evaluation and Accreditation in the Kingdom.

Prof. Dr. Al-Sawy congratulated Qassim University, the Faculty of Science and all the staff of the College on this great achievement. And special congratulations to the students of the college, this achievement means reassuring them of the level of quality of education and teaching and that it complies with the standards of academic accreditation while adhering to the missions of the college and the university. This is in addition to the conviction of employers of the excellence of the college's outputs and the selection of college graduates to take over the appropriate jobs in the labor market, in addition to the ease of international exchange for college students to complete their university or graduate studies at any recognized international university.

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6 faculties reviewed their completed plans. The Rector of Qassim University inaugurates a workshop to align the strategic plan with the Afaq plan at the Ministry of Higher Education.

His Excellency the Rector of Qassim University, Prof. Dr. Khalid bin Abdulrahman Al-Hammoudi, inaugurated the qualitative workshop "Alignment of the strategic plan of the university with the plan of prospects at the Ministry of Higher Education" on Monday morning in Hall "A" in the main building of the university city and the hall of the Center for Studies for the Women's Side, in the presence of the university deputies and deans of colleges and deanships, which was organized by the Vice Rectorate for Development, Planning and Quality, during which the tenth five-year development plan of the university was reviewed as well as the distinguished experiences in colleges, supporting deanships and units During the workshop, the completed strategic plan was presented, where the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies, the College of Medicine, the College of Engineering, the College of Dentistry, the College of Science and Arts in Aqla Al-Saqour and the College of Design and Home Economics reviewed their strategic plans, while a statistical report prepared by the Vice Rectorate for Planning, Development and Quality addressed the achieved strategic plans and sub-executive plans of the university units.

For his part, the Rector praised the efforts of the Vice Rectorate for Planning, Development and Quality represented by Dr. Sulaiman Al-Yahya and his team, and said: Their efforts are clear and distinguished where a good plan has been accomplished We received praise from the Ministry of Higher Education and others and I am happy with what has been achieved and reviewed during this workshop and this is recorded for all colleagues in colleges, deanships and departments who have made efforts and we hope that they will provide more to implement the strategic plan of the university in the remaining years and it is the most important to achieve the goals and complete the ten-year plan, stressing On the need to hold such a workshop after every 6 months to know what has been achieved from the strategic plans and sub-executive plans of the university units.

For his part, the Vice President of the University, Prof. Dr. Sulaiman Al-Yahya, praised the care and support of His Excellency the Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Khalid bin Abdulrahman Al-Hammoudi, for the strategic plan at the University, stressing that it will have a great impact in promoting the application of quality standards within the University in the foreseeable future, praising also the efforts of colleges, deanships and departments and their interaction with the University's directions and plans that seek development in order to improve our sons and daughters students of the University.

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