
The Saudi government has dedicated vast funds to enhance national health services with the goal of offering free healthcare services to its citizens. Health information professionals are concerned about the existence of viable national eHealth initiatives, plans, policies, procedures, and standards that can support improving national healthcare services. Among the different eHealth applications, such as the Electronic Medical Record (EMR), Electronic Health Record (EHR), Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), Telemedicine and many other technologies, the EMR has been increasingly adopted by Saudi organizations. Although all eHealth applications show a promising future in Saudi Arabia, the field has suffered from a variety of organizational and technical challenges in implementing eHealth initiatives in the country.

Qassim university meets The health law in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who aims to provide comprehensive health care for all people in a fair and accessible manner. The Kingdom, represented by the Ministry of Health, provides an integrated network of health care services covering all regions of the Kingdom. The health care in the government medical facilities is provided for citizens for free and based on a new health care law that meets the needs of the health sector.

Moreover, Qassim University Medical City is the first academic medical city specializing in the Qassim region. It provides advanced health care to citizens of the region and residents alike as it has a distinguished strategic location that serves all governorates of the region and is among the largest emerging medical gatherings. The establishment of this city came based on the decision of His Excellency the President of the University and the appointment of a director an executive year for it and the city seeks to attract specialized medical and health competencies in all fields in light of the keenness and constant attention our government gives to the comfort of citizens and residents and the provision of comprehensive health care and medical services. They are taking the principle of achieving the adequacy and quality of services for asylum service and meet the growing need for medical services specialist in the region. Where the hospital aspires to provide global medical care and to become the best in the world by meeting the highest standards set by the Joint International Accreditation Authority, which is responsible for preparing, monitoring and maintaining standards of excellence in the health care industry.

The Medical City at the Qassim University has joined a team to establish a private health center in January 2017 with a capacity of 751 beds and has a team of highly trained and professional workers. the doctors the team of doctors and dentists includes a significant number of highly qualified consultants and specialists who have passed the fellowship and membership stages in the medical specialization councils with accumulated years of experience. To enhance medical knowledge, the department invests in training and workshop programs so that doctors remain in follow-up to the latest medical updates, including techniques and techniques, all followed by lectures, conferences, and open electronic access to all world-famous medical references.

His Excellency the Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Khalid bin Abdulrahman Al-Hammoudi, inaugurated the first Clinical Pharmacy Conference in the Kingdom, organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy at Qassim University under the slogan "Clinical Pharmacy in the Kingdom from Education to Practice" in the presence of His Excellency the Vice President of King Saud University for Planning and Quality, Dr. Yousef Assiri, and the President of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Al-Sara, as well as the presence of the Vice-Deans of Qassim University, the Deans of its Health Colleges, the Deans of the Faculties of Pharmacy in the Kingdom, and a group of members of the pharmacy profession from faculty members and practitioners of the profession of Pharmacy and male and female students.

For his part, the Rector stressed the importance of holding such conferences to develop the educational process, stressing that the College of Pharmacy has received the support that made it qualified to organize this conference, and that the College has achieved achievements at the educational, research and social level, and that the wheel of development continues with the generous support of the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and his Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz and Deputy Crown Prince His Highness Royal Prince Mohammed bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz and His Excellency the Minister of Education Dr. Azzam Al-Dakhil, pointing out that the college signed at the beginning of this year a cooperation contract with King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center in Riyadh to cooperate in the educational field and train students through the pharmaceutical care sector of the hospital, and that the college seeks to sign a contract with the American Clinical College of Pharmacy to cooperate in the field of research, education, graduate studies, curriculum review and academic accreditation and appreciated the efforts among those in charge of education to achieve Prosperity and prosperity and offering his thanks to the attendees and all those in charge of preparing the conference, headed by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr. Mansour Al-Sherida,

The Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Dr. Mansour bin Saleh Al-Sherida, stressed that the profession of pharmacy is witnessing a remarkable development, which calls on pharmaceutical educational bodies to increase their scientific and research activities to keep pace with this rapid development and to be of an advanced level that combines international and local experiences, pointing out that this conference will enjoy scientific participation by local and international speakers and will present a number of scientific papers that specialize in clinical pharmacology and its modern applications and trends as well as workshops with a scientific exhibition He also congratulated the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz on his pledge of allegiance to the King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, calling on Allah to grant him success and to enjoy the grace of health and wellness,

It was followed by a speech to the guests of the conference delivered by Prof. Dr. Yousef Al-Assiri, who touched in a hadith on the definition of the specialization of clinical pharmacy and that it is considered the real future of the profession of pharmacy where the pharmacist as a member of the health team provides pharmaceutical care to patients and ensure the appropriate medicine, the appropriate pharmaceutical form and the appropriate dosage, pointing to the beginnings of the application of these principles in the curricula of the faculties of pharmacy at King Saud University in 1399 AH, and he pointed out in Haditha the need to establish such a conference and that the College of Pharmacy has sown The first seed in this direction, calling on the faculties of pharmacy to follow the example of this approach by continuing to hold the conference between them successively and ended Haditha by thanking Qassim University for sponsoring the conference.

For his part, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Al-Sara on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society thanked the Faculty of Pharmacy at Qassim University for inviting them to participate, stressing that this conference was successful before it began through the splendor and creativity of the organization and preparation and said: The scientific program of this conference has been prepared with special care, pointing to the scientific status of the speakers, and he referred in his speech to the establishment of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society in the year 1408 AH in order to frame the efforts of the pharmacist work and contribute directly to Planning and development in order to upgrade the profession of pharmacy, pointing out some of its goals and vision for the future.

During the opening ceremony, a visual presentation was made about the college and the distribution of shields and the participating and supporting parties were honored, and the Dean of the College of Pharmacy presented a shield to His Excellency the Rector of the University in appreciation of the College for his support in the establishment of this conference, as well as the President of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society presented the permanent honorary membership of the Society to His Excellency the Rector of the University in gratitude and appreciation from the Society for supporting the profession of pharmacy,

His Excellency the Rector of the University inaugurated the accompanying exhibition, which enjoyed the participation of many leading companies in pharmaceutical manufacturing and the provision of pharmaceutical services, the sponsoring companies of the conference and the participating associations, and His Excellency the Rector toured the exhibition around the exhibition, which concluded with a visit to the exhibition of the Faculty of Pharmacy, which was prepared on this occasion and thanked the organizers after which the scientific sessions of the conference, which last over three days, began.

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With multiple events and an accompanying exhibition. College of Medicine and Health Sciences in Onaiza Celebrates Gulf Nursing Day.

The College of Medicine and Medical Sciences in Onaiza celebrated the Gulf Nursing Day, which corresponds to the thirteenth of March, with a series of events that included the establishment of an awareness lecture and an accompanying exhibition under the title (Nursing is a comprehensive and continuous care).

The celebration included a speech program that began with verses from the wise male and then Ms. Wijdan Al-Ayyad gave an introductory speech before Dr. Amura Al-Beheiry, Head of the Department of Nursing, opened her lecture, which highlighted nursing and its noble profession, and then a group of students presented a representative scene that illustrates the importance of nursing in the service of society, after which Prof. Dalal Al-Mutairi held an open meeting with Ms. Munira Al-Debian, Training Officer at King Saud Hospital about the successes of nursing in the Kingdom.

At the end of the ceremony, the distinguished graduates of the college were honored and then the attendees went to the exhibition held by: Nabwiyah Hosni, Amal Al-Zoubi, Ebtisam Al-Desouki, Dalal Al-Mutairi and Mona Al-Bassam, where it contained a group of departments (Pediatric Department, First Aid Department, Internal Medicine Department, Chest Allergy Department, Sugar Measurement Department, Mrs. Rafida Nursing Tent for Herbal Therapy and others)

The health event was attended by King Saud Hospital in Onaiza - Badaiya Hospital - Al Rass General Hospital - Comet General Hospital - Al Bukairiyah General Hospital - Shifa Hospital (Home Medicine) - Al Hilaliyah Hospital - West Onaiza Health Center - Salhia Dispensary - Sulaymaniyah Dispensary - Airport Health Center - Health Unit - King Fahd Specialist Hospital in Buraidah - Mental Health Hospital in Buraidah - Nursing Department in Buraidah - Al Birr Charitable Society in Unaizah.

The Vice Dean of the College and the supervisor of the ceremony, Ms. Zainab Al-Washmi and the supervisor of the exhibition, Ms. Iman Al-Shammari, extended their thanks and appreciation to all those who contributed to the success of this celebration, which the College sought to highlight in an effort to highlight the noble nursing profession and also thanked the team (Abeer Al-Shushan, Noha Al-Khalaf, Riham Al-Shibl, Huda Al-Ayyad) for their efforts in order to prepare for this health event.

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The College of Pharmacy at Qassim University won four awards at the 2016 DOPHAT International Conference and Exhibition of Pharmacy and Technology in the Emirate of Dubai, through the research submitted by the students of the College represented by:

    • Second place for the graduate: Abdullah Mohammed Al-Ghannam.

    • Fifth place for the student: Mashael Al-Owais.

    • Ninth place for the student: Basma Saad Al-Mansour.

    • Fifteenth place for the student: Areej Al-Muzaini.

The College participated in the conference, which was held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, in the presence and participation of a number of officials, stakeholders, representatives and heads of associations and organizations in the pharmaceutical sector from the region and the world.

The participation of the College this year is represented in an introductory exhibition about Qassim University, the College of Pharmacy and the Deanship of Student Affairs in addition to participation in the scientific program of the conference, amid the participation of 9 female students and 4 students in scientific research in the exhibition of scientific posters for research, which reached a total of 1000 participating scientific research posters representing 40 universities.

It is worth mentioning that the College Exhibition was visited by His Excellency Dr. Humaid Mohammed Al Qatami, Chairman and Director General of the Dubai Health Authority, where the Dean of the College, Dr. Mansour bin Saleh Al Sherida, presented him with a souvenir gift on this occasion.

The college exhibition was also visited by:

  • Prof. Dr. Joseph Debreau, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, Virginia.

  • Prof. Dr. Stephen Akel, Director of Fellowship and Residency Programs for Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina.

  • Prof. Dr. Luqi Martina from King's College London.

  • Prof. Dr. Yousef Assiri, Vice President of King Saud University for Planning and Quality.

  • Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Al-Sara is the President of the Saudi Pharmaceutical Society.

Topics of interest to the college were discussed separately related to the field of academic accreditation and graduate studies for teaching assistants and students of the college and scientific research, and many points were agreed on aspects of joint cooperation and exchange of experiences.

The college exhibition witnessed an increasing presence and wide interest by visitors and specialists in the pharmaceutical field, whose number exceeded three thousand visitors, where visitors were praised for the contents of the exhibition from introductory brochures and displays that presented all the programs and activities of the college in particular and the university in general.

At the closing ceremony, the College of Pharmacy was honored as one of the most prominent participants in the 2016 DOVAT and received the honorary shield of the Dean of the College.

The Dean of the College of Pharmacy has raised the highest meanings of thanks and gratitude to His Excellency the Rector in charge of the University, Prof. Dr. Abdulrahman bin Saleh Al-Wasil, for his approval and support for the participation of the College in such qualitative conferences, which reflect his interest and continuous support for the College to be in the ranks of the distinguished faculties of pharmacy, appreciating at the same time the outstanding level provided by the students of the College who have achieved advanced positions in scientific research despite the large and diverse participation from all countries of the world, calling on them to succeed and pay.

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Under the slogan "Our blood is your redemption", the University Organizes a Blood Donation Campaign for Our Brave Soldiers.

As an extension of the national campaigns implemented by the university represented by the College of Public Health and Health Informatics in Al Bukairiyah Governorate to serve the community, the College organized a blood donation campaign for the benefit of our brave soldiers under the slogan "Our blood is your redemption", with the participation of a number of employees of government and security agencies in the governorate and employees of the College and its students.

Dr. Fahad bin Mohammed Al-Bujaidi, Dean of the College, said that the campaign was held in cooperation with the Association of Friends of Charitable Blood Banks, and comes from the perspective of reviving the soul with a point of blood, pointing out that this initiative stems from the national spirit of love for the homeland, and as an extension of the campaign "Together against terrorism and deviant thought", calling on Allah the Almighty to protect the Kingdom, and its rulers.

Al-Bejidi added that this campaign expresses the stand of the people of the Kingdom united with the homeland against terrorism, where everyone exerts his blood to seek remuneration from God, and then to activate the word of the citizen, who is considered the first security man, by offering his blood to the brave soldiers in their great saga to protect religion and the borders of the homeland, stressing that all faculties of the university sense their social responsibilities from the point of view of performing the national duty, human interaction and strengthening national cohesion.

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The Faculty of Human Medicine at the University concluded on Thursday the vaccination campaign against seasonal flu for students and employees of the university, which began last Sunday and lasted for five days, where the campaign witnessed a great interaction and the number of beneficiaries reached more than 1726 people of different age groups.

The participants in the campaign, which was held in cooperation with the health affairs in the region represented by the public health sector in the eyes of the atmosphere, stressed that the flu vaccine is the best way to protect against the virus that causes the disease, and it also helps to prevent its spread, and reduces the likelihood of serious complications of this disease, as the campaign targeted in particular patients with chronic diseases, because they are the most vulnerable to the disease in the winter season, which appears as a result of an acute viral infection that spreads easily among humans and affects all age groups.

Next to the campaign, the university set up a special corner in conjunction with World Diabetes Day, in order to raise awareness of its dangers through leaflets and publications dealing with how to prevent the disease, early detection methods that help treatment, as well as healthy food for the sick and for the healthy, in addition to providing services to measure the level of sugar in the blood, and measure pressure and temperature for visitors to the exhibition, and specialists also provided a brief overview of diabetes, and recent statistics about it, which contributes to increasing the awareness of the community, focusing on the importance of Exercise that has a huge role in the prevention of disease.

This campaign comes within the directions of the university and its endeavor to participate in programs, activities and events that serve its employees and students and contribute to improving their level of health.

From last Sunday 4/2/1440H until Thursday 9/2/1440H, the Optometry Clinics in the Department of Optometry at the College of Applied Medical Sciences received more than 100 cases from university employees, their families and reviewers from outside the university, in commemoration of World Sight Day.

Dr. Mohammed bin Ali Al-Sahli, Dean of the College, explained that the College in all its departments always seeks to provide health and educational services to the community, as well as participation in the international days of its specialties under the framework of community service carried out by the University, pointing out that the Department of Optics in cooperation with the Community Service Unit at the College of Applied Medical Sciences held a comprehensive awareness day in the Othaim Mall building in Onaiza Governorate last Thursday, as part of the events held to commemorate the World Day of Sight.

The Student Club at the College will also hold an awareness event and preliminary examinations in the main lobby of the University, next Tuesday, October 24, and the invitation is general to everyone to attend, offering sincere thanks and appreciation to His Excellency the Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Abdulrahman bin Hamad Al-Daoud, for his support and guidance for the success of the various activities and events of the College.

It should be noted that the optometry clinics at the college always play awareness roles and provide important health services on eye health care throughout the academic year, including: conducting programs and surveys for primary examinations in the primary schools of the region (more than 30 schools have benefited from them since the start of the program), in addition to participating in the university's awareness and educational campaigns under the framework of social responsibility.

The clinics also receive visitors from university staff and others on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each week throughout the academic year, and include a range of specialized clinics to name a few (optical fault detection clinics, contact lenses, eye diseases, eye nerves, visual arena, glaucoma), for which an appointment can be booked by calling ext. 4163 or 4845.

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The University, represented by the College of Applied Medical Sciences, signed a cooperation agreement with the DMI Association, under the patronage and presence of His Royal Highness Prince Dr. Faisal bin Meshaal bin Saud bin Abdulaziz, Amir of Qassim Province and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Friends of Blood Banks Charitable Association "DMI", at his office at the Emirate's headquarters, on Monday.

His Highness received His Excellency the President of the University, Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Daoud, the Secretary of the Region, a member of the Board of Directors of the Domi Association, Eng. Mohammed Al-Majali, the CEO of the Health Cluster, a member of the Board of Directors of the Association, Dr. Sultan Al-Shaya, and the Director General of the Branch of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in Qassim, Dr. Fahad Al-Mutlaq.

The agreement was signed by the Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, Dr. Ahmed Al-Turki, and by the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. Faisal Al-Khamis.

His Highness the Amir of Qassim Region listened to a briefing on the objectives and feasibility of the agreement, in order to raise the level of awareness among the community of the importance of voluntary donation, through the establishment of awareness programs in events, events and social networking sites, cooperation in the field of training and rehabilitation between the two parties, and benefiting from the services of the university in the preparation of research, studies and scientific consultations in the field of developing blood donation, blood transfusion medicine and blood diseases scientifically in Qassim in particular and in the Kingdom in general.

During the meeting, His Excellency the President of the University expressed the aspirations of the University to serve the nation and provide its great social responsibility by participating in various qualitative programs in the fields of the Society such as voluntary blood donation and blood diseases, and contributing to enhancing the awareness of the community about blood diseases and their prevention among different segments, offering his thanks to His Highness Prince Faisal bin Meshaal for his support and constructive cooperation in this agreement, calling on God to write this in the balance of his advantages and to help him for good and guidance.

For his part, the Executive Director of the "Bloodies" Association, Hamoud Al-Butti, thanked His Highness the Amir of the Qassim Region for his care and wise guidance to the Association, noting the contribution with the competent authorities in providing health and advisory services to patients with anemia.

His Highness the Amir of Qassim Region expressed his thanks to the University for its good initiative through the signing of this agreement for medical education on the importance of voluntary blood donation, and cooperation with the Dammy Association in spreading and developing the culture of blood donation and raising the awareness of the community about this and the different segments of the university environment and various segments of society, hoping that the private sector will activate its social and charitable role for the benefit of all.

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The University organizes the campaign "Awareness, Health and Education" in its second edition in the governorate of Aqla Al-Saqour under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Dr. Faisal bin Meshaal bin Saud, Governor of Qassim Province, for a period of 7 days from 16-22/6/1439 AH that includes Sharia, intellectual, oral health programs, training courses, drug education, food awareness, veterinary medicine, social educational services, theater performances, recreational sports programs, raffles and prizes and other activities offered to the people of the region.

The objectives of the campaign are: to promote Islamic values, instill positive concepts, belonging to the homeland and serving it, protecting young people from the paths of exaggeration, extremist ideas and wrong behaviors, raising the level of personal skills and self-abilities, providing services, specialized medical consultations and treatment plans, raising the level of care for food and sports and staying away from negative habits.

The campaign programs include more than 10 programs in various disciplines offered by the faculties of the university.

On the legal side, there are various activities in more than 78 mosques in Aqla al-Saqour governorate and activities in 9 schools in order to consolidate the principles of moderation and moderation and warn against the paths of exaggeration and extremism, while educational and social programs include more than 10 programs to preserve the role of the family and young people.

The training programs come in more than 19 courses to develop talents and raise competencies in various disciplines, and the university offers more than 30 medical programs and provides examination services by university consultants, visual examination and comprehensive laboratories, and the university offers in dental health more than 42 programs covering 12 schools, 30 programs in the main camp and 10 drug education programs dealing with the methods of using the proper drug and the contents of the home pharmacy and the methods of using it. The 24 nutritional programs are about malpractice and the fight against obesity, public health programs and include more than 20 programs specialized in exercise and avoiding laziness. In addition to veterinary caravans include comprehensive examination, treatment of livestock and medical consultations of their owners.

The campaign presents a national theatrical performance that tells about the Kingdom and the transformations it underwent before unification to the years of the Renaissance, which continued through the ages of the kings of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia until Vision 2030.

The total programs of the "Awareness, Health and Education" campaign provided to the people of Aqla al-Saqour Governorate amount to 244 programs offered by the faculties of the university.

The Faculty of Dentistry at Qassim University has completed its seventh convoy of its pioneering program called Voluntary Dental Caravans, which landed for five consecutive days in the village of Al-Thumad in the Medina region, which is 650 km away from the Qassim region, as an extension of the tenders of the caravans inside the Kingdom.

The beneficiaries of the caravan carried out by the students of the college throughout the days of the mid-semester vacation of the second semester, reached more than 750 references and reviews in five basic specialties including nerve treatment, periodontal treatment, surgery, fillings, pediatric dentistry, and preventive dentistry, through more than ten specialized clinics supervised by (60) volunteer students representing Qassim University and a number of students of Saudi universities in addition to a group of doctors and consultants, The Taibah Doctors Charitable Society also participated in this convoy by providing all its medical equipment and vehicles, which included an equipped dental clinic, a preliminary examination clinic, and a car to transport people with special needs. In order to complete all services, the convoy allowed the participation of human medicine students at Qassim University to take a history of illness, pressure and diabetes to avoid any complications that the reviewer may experience during treatment.

The convoy also dedicated an entire section to education and awareness, which targeted the villagers by explaining the most prominent wrong and harmful eating habits to the teeth and the correct ways to clean and care for teeth, in addition to the application of fluoride to 250 children and girls that helps prevent caries.

In an enriching gesture of the convoy, students of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Qassim University participated in an accompanying awareness corner that included several information about medicines, their harms and methods of use.

It is noteworthy that the convoy was directly supervised by Dr. Mohammed Al-Muhaimid, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at Qassim University, and headed by Mohammed Saleh Al-Duraibi, a fifth-year student, and a direct follow-up from Dr. Murad Al-Rashidi, head of the program of voluntary dental caravans, and in coordination with the Ministry of Health, and the Department of Education.

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The University, represented by the College of Pharmacy, participates in the twenty-second Dubai International Pharmacy and Technology Conference and Exhibition (DOFAT 2018), which is held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, with the participation of 650 specialized companies, 75 universities from several countries and more than 1100 scientific researches, in addition to the participation of a number of officials and stakeholders in the pharmaceutical sector and representatives and heads of pharmaceutical associations and organizations in the region and the world.

This year, the College participates in the scientific program of the conference, and 17 students from the College participate in scientific research in the exhibition of scientific posters for research, as well as 3 lectures presented by the Dean of the College of Pharmacy Dr. Mansour Al-Sherida, Dr. Yasser Al-Muqaddim, Vice Dean for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Abdul Majeed Al-Qasumi, Vice Dean for Educational Affairs, a lecture presented by Dr. Waleed Al-Tuwayan, one of the employees of the University Medical City at the University, in addition to several lectures presented by students of the College, and the College also holds an introductory exhibition about the College and the University and the most prominent Its activities and achievements.

The College welcomes visitors to its pavilion with kleja, dates and Arabic coffee, which represent the popular heritage of the Qassim region, where the pavilion witnessed a wide turnout on its first day by visitors from different countries of the world to participate in this scientific event, who appreciated the hospitality of the pavilion and expressed their admiration for the popular legacies of the Qassim region.

Dr. Abdul Majeed Al-Qasumi, Vice Dean of the College of Pharmacy for Educational Affairs, gave a scientific lecture entitled "Causes and Factors Leading to the Occurrence of Pharmaceutical Errors in Hospitals", in which he talked about the most important causes and conditions that lead to the spread of pharmaceutical errors in hospitals as well as the most prominent types of these errors and their classifications.

The lecture dealt with the most important published research in this field, and concluded the lecture with a review of the most important strategies that can be applied to reduce these errors and reduce their negative effects on patients.

Dr. Waleed bin Mohammed Al-Tuwayan, one of the employees of the University Medical City at the University, gave a lecture entitled "Measuring fatigue in kidney cancer patients taking tyrosine inhibitors" in which he talked about kidney cancer, which is the seventh most common cancer in the world, tyrosine inhibitor drugs and its side effects, in addition to the importance of introducing patients before and during the treatment period to the effects of the drug and effective prevention methods.

For his part, His Excellency the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director General of the Dubai Health Authority, Mr. Humaid bin Mohammed Al Qatami, visited the College's pavilion after the opening ceremony, and praised the pavilion and its introductory pillars, and the Dean of the College, Dr. Mansour Al-Shuraida, presented him with a commemorative shield on this occasion.

For his part, Al-Sherida said that the college is participating in the conference for the fifth year in a row, pointing out that the goal of participation is to achieve the greatest benefit for the participating students through contact with academics, specialists and experts in this conference.

Al-Sherida explained that the college pavilion witnessed the presence and interest of visitors and specialists in the pharmaceutical field, who praised its contents of introductory brochures and displays that presented the programs and activities of the college in particular and the university in general.

He pointed out that such international and local participations come within the interests of His Excellency the Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. Abdulrahman bin Hamad Al-Daoud, and his endeavor to develop the outputs of the university and provide students and faculty members with more experiences, science and knowledge through friction in such international forums.

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